Permission issues when starting nzbdrone on FreeBSD

Below is the error I’m seeing. You can also see that I’ve checked permissions and don’t see anything problematic. Anyone have any ideas?

[~/NzbDrone]$ mono NzbDrone.exe
[Info] Bootstrap: Starting NzbDrone - /usr/home/daniel/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe - Version 
[Error] PidFileProvider: Unable to write PID file: /home/daniel/.config/NzbDrone/ 

[Fatal] ConsoleApp: EPIC FAIL! 

Below for permission check

[~/NzbDrone]$ ls -ld  /home/daniel/.config/NzbDrone
drwxr-xr-x  3 daniel  daniel     4B Oct 14 20:31 /home/daniel/.config/NzbDrone
[~/NzbDrone]$ id
uid=1001(daniel) gid=1001(daniel) groups=1001(daniel)

A quick search on the forum gave me these posts, please verify if that solves your problem: