Pawn stars + bbc panorama

Pawn Stars = Scene number hasn’t been verified yet
Panorama = no download

So OK - TV maze is indicated as part of your indexing and it seems it does have the right file names etc to match the files I can see on the newsgroup - but still nothing gets downloaded - hopefully someone knows how to sort this out!

Ok below I got an answer - when I said no download - I mean’t it’s like the show is not seen because up-loaders are not putting the exact same file name as expected - not unusual - but is there anyway to manually correct for this?

edit 2
Ah XEM - will investigate - thanks

TV Maze is not used anywhere in sonarr, other than to provide a link to it in the series.

Here’s the FAQ:

Pawn Stars: looks like thetvdb changed episode numbers, and it may require a mapping on
Maybe it has one, and it’s not up to date, or thetvdb was updated recently and the cache/skyhook isn’t refreshed yet, I don’t know as I don’t follow that show.

As for “Panorama = no download”, that could be anything. There was a helpful template asking for sonarr version, debug logs and how to upload and link them when you opened the topic.
I guess it’s gonna be impossible to get the right logs now anyway, as in the case of “why wasn’t an episode downloaded”, it’s best to have debug logs at the time an episode you expected to be downloaded appeared on the RSS feed of your indexer(s). As an alternative you can do a manual search after the facts. I expect all episodes to have a red exclamation mark. If you hover over it, it will tell you why it wouldn’t be downloaded automatically, since the same logic is used there.

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