Path does not exist or is not accessible by sonarr //

Sonarr v3 sonarr preview)
Ubuntu 18.04


I’m running Sonarr and NZBGet in docker containers and realised that episodes are not automatically importing to my Google Drive.

These are the errors that Sonarr is reporting:

DownloadedEpisodesImportServiceImport failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /downloads//intermediate/

DownloadedEpisodesImportServiceImport failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /downloads//completed/tv/

It’s looking for a directory with a double /

MainDir in NZBGet is /downloads

Host Volume in Docker is /home/soopahfly/downloads/nzbget and that’s mapped to /downloads

I can’t find anywhere to change the mapping.

Sonarr version

Nzbget Version 20.0

double check for a leading slash in your completed folder value in the nzbget config as thats where sonarr gets the path from. ie nzbget hands sonarr the full path to import from so it should be coming from there

so /downloads/intermediate should be for stuff that is still downloading in nzbget, why would sonarr be trying to import from there? it shoul donly do that if nzbget told it the job was completed and that was the location the files are in.

google drive, did you create a remote path for that? sonarr would remap the path if you did so double check it for an extra slash as well

note: debug logs would probably make this easier

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