OSX installation

Nothing has changed with how mediainfo is loaded. I recall a user on IRC had a similar issue when using one from the app store.

You could also try mediainfo right from their site: http://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo/Download/Mac_OS

I got NzbDrone working on the the browser and it seems to be running great. Only thing is though, as soon as I quit terminal the program dies. Do you always have to have terminal open to open and run NzbDrone?

Or run it in launchd (I don’t have the instructions on how to do that).

Anybody have any ideas how to have it open all the time with launchd??

markya68, I use a program called Lingon X. Basically it’ll create a startup item for you, but it does cost (I figured it was worth it as I’ll use it in the future no doubt). When you install it, create a new item and just put the startup command in the “Run” box (eg mono /Path/To/Your/NZBDrone.exe) and select the “At startup and when saving” box. That’s it.

I have tried installing mediainfo from the App Store, brew and from their site, but still seeing the System.DllNotFoundException: libmediainfo.dylib errors. Where is nzbdron expecting the dylib file to be located?

In the same directory as NzbDrone.exe or available on the PATH.

It seems NzbDrone is looking specifically for libmediainfo.dylib, the brew install of mediainfo doesn’t seem to provide that (looks like in the lib directory in the Cellar for mediainfo it’s a libmediainfo.a and nothing else). So as a work around, go out to http://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo/Download/Mac_OS and download the latest DYLib. Unpackage it and mv that in to the NZBDrone directory at the same level as the NZBDrone.exe or the sqlite dylibs as libmediainfo.dylib (it’s downloaded as libmediainfo.0.dylib). Once dropping that in to place, the errors have completely gone away.

Why not just include that dylib in the application directory since it doesn’t seem to work using mediainfo installed from other sources?

I didn’t have any problems with mediainfo installing from the website. Or maybe I did and I don’t know it. Would nzbdrone be running without it? I can’t remember exactly how I did it, but I’m on 10.9 and I kinda feel like I’ve got NzbDrone under control with how everything is working…

Yeah, I actually paid for the App store version (only a dollar, but you know :D), which doesn’t seem to work for this at all. Didn’t take too long to realise I needed to specifically download the DYLib version, rename it to remove the .0., and put it in the Drone folder.

I agree it would be a good idea to include this in the package if possible (unless there are some sort of license issues). Failing that, maybe just expand the instructions in the wiki slightly.

geezfools: I only realised it wasn’t working after something had completed downloading and processing. There’ll be an error in the log referring to libmediainfo.dylib.

I’ll get it included, we include it on Windows. no reason we can’t here. Good point :smiley: I’ll get it in there for the next release.

Cool, thanks Markus.

Another suggestion for those that would like this to start on start-up (on Mac), follow the below instructions:

  • mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
  • curl -o ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nzbdrone.launched.nzbdrone.plist http://internetishard.com/nzbdrone/com.nzbdrone.launched.nzbdrone.xml
  • launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nzbdrone.launched.nzbdrone.plist

That’s assuming you’ve placed the application directory in /Applications/ otherwise edit that plist file with the correct path.

caleb, does this work without Terminal on after running it the first time?

@simonk83 said:
geezfools: I only realised it wasn’t working after something had completed downloading and processing. There’ll be an error in the log referring to libmediainfo.dylib.

I actually have the error, though everything is working correctly without, as far as I know. I’m throwing it in the nzbdrone folder to see if the error is gone. I’m also getting errors for “RefreshSeriesService”.

edit: still getting the error :confused:

squeegymaster, it does. It’s using the built-in launchctl which is basically running it in the background.

@geezfools said:

I actually have the error, though everything is working correctly without, as far as I know. I’m throwing it in the nzbdrone folder to see if the error is gone. I’m also getting errors for “RefreshSeriesService”.

edit: still getting the error :confused:

Make sure it’s in the same folder as NzbDrone.exe, and make sure it’s named libmediainfo.dylib. I found that the package came with a file called libmediainfo.0.dylib and one called libmediainfo.dylib. libmediainfo.dylib is just an alias, ignore it (it should be very small). You actually want to remove the .0 from libmediainfo.0.dylib and use that.

I run “mono --debug /path/to/Nzbdrone.exe” and see output in Terminal, but thats it. Is my browser supposed to automatically open like it does in Sickbeard? Am I supposed to manually open the browser and type something in the nav bar? No official instructions on this…

Nvm got it, under Ubuntu instructions: “Open browser > http://localhost:8989


@simonk83 said:

@geezfools said:

I actually have the error, though everything is working correctly without, as far as I know. I’m throwing it in the nzbdrone folder to see if the error is gone. I’m also getting errors for “RefreshSeriesService”.

edit: still getting the error :confused:

Make sure it’s in the same folder as NzbDrone.exe, and make sure it’s named libmediainfo.dylib. I found that the package came with a file called libmediainfo.0.dylib and one called libmediainfo.dylib. libmediainfo.dylib is just an alias, ignore it (it should be very small). You actually want to remove the .0 from libmediainfo.0.dylib and use that.

I have an application called MediaInfo, nothing called, “libmediainfo.dylib” and when I rename it, I’m still getting the error. I may try and rebuild the app tonight to see if I can figure it out…