Organize & Rename wrongly assumes RlsGrp to be present in old filenames

Hi all, I just finished migrating from sickbeard to nzbdrone and I used the opportunity to change my naming scheme:

Season #/Show S##E## Title -> Season ##/Show S##E## Title Quality-RlsGrp

For new downloads this obviously works, but for existing files the renamer picks the last word from the title as the releasegroup (while I assume it should be DRONE when no releasegroup was parsed). To avoid two folders for the same season (Season 1 for old files and Season 01 for new) and plain consitency it would be pretty nice if I could reorganize all my files to the new naming scheme correctly.

Best regards

I’ll take a look at why its picking up the last word in the episode title as the release group, because you’re right, it should default to DRONE.

Drone won’t delete empty season folders at this time, but it will move the files to the new folders.

EDIT: Could you provide me with some filenames that are choosing part of the title for the release group?

Thanks for the quick reply! Here are a few examples, with a different behavior of the last example (Reizen Waes):

Season 1/Earth The Power of the Planet S01E01 Volcano.mkv -> Season 01/Earth S01E01 Volcano HDTV-720p-Volcano.mkv

The Colbert Report - 2014-06-02 - Thomas Piketty.mkv -> Season 10/The Colbert Report 2014-06-02 Thomas Piketty HDTV-720p-Thomas Piketty.mkv

Season 12/Real Time with Bill Maher S12E17 May 23, 2014.mp4 -> Season 12/Real Time with Bill Maher 2014-05-23 May 23, 2014 SDTV-2014.mp4

Season 01/Reizen Waes - S01E08 - Transistrië, Zuid-Ossetië en Abchazië SDTV.avi -> Season 01/Reizen Waes S01E08 Transistrië, Zuid-Ossetië en Abchazië SDTV-S01E08.avi

Good to know that nzbdrone doesn’t delete the empty folders (they’ll probably won’t be empty anyhow with sickbeard style xbmc metadata) so I was planning on fixing that myself anyhow with some find commands.

Thanks again for looking into this!

EDIT: By pure accident I found an example where the RlsGrp is correctly set as DRONE:

Season 10/Simpsons 10x11 - Wild Barts Cant Be Broken [rl].avi -> Season 10/The Simpsons S10E11 Wild Barts Can’t Be Broken SDTV-DRONE.avi

@sigma666 What version of drone are you running (its visible in the footer)? I ran some tests with the example you provided and only had an issue with The Colbert Report - 2014-06-02 - Thomas Piketty.mkv where it parsed the release group as 02.

I’m running NzbDrone Ver. on Ubuntu with mono 3.2.1 my Standard Episode Format is {Series Title} S{season:00}E{episode:00} {Episode Title} {Quality Title}-{Release Group}

Any ideas where I could go looking for an issue on my part?

Had you previously setup drone and imported series and their files? There were some changes made to have we parse the release group (it was too greedy before), this was done within the last month or so (and are in 1533).

Not sure why this would have picked up as it did (especially the ones with spaces and they are not valid in the release group name we parse).

Looking at my apt history and the timestamps of the metadata nzbdrone created, apparently the setup and import was done with 1397. Looking at the release log the stricter group handling was introduced in the next update. So that explains it :slight_smile: I suspect that the fix is removing and reimporting my series/or editing the sqlite db?

Awesome, glad it was that and not a bug.

Either one of those will work, depends on whether or not you want to redo everything or just update the episodefiles table in SQLite.

EDIT: After checking my own DB I noticed a few of files that still won’t parse the release group correctly in the current state, I will need to dig into that at some point, so updating the DB directly should be cleaner, for now.

Yeah, I felt more comfortable with going the sqlite route anyway, since I have quite a lot of series, and subsequent buttons to press otherwise :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the great support and follow-up!