Option to force Sonarr not to download episode after [X] days

I keep getting Sonarr downloading past episodes when i already watched the episodes

Ive got it set to 720p files, sometimes Sonarr downloads web-dl or proper formats months after i watched the episode
It wastes bandwith.

Please allow option to set it no download any more episode after X amount of days.
Personally i would set it 7 days default.

Linux? Might try this: https://github.com/maritz/KoToSoMo

If you are using Kodi that is…

This one too:

Again, Kodi

You need to set your quality profile cutoff lower if you don’t want it to upgrade. If you want it to only stop after its been watched then you’ll need to use a script like @lordlynx suggested.

Propers will only download within a short window (offhand a couple days), not months later.

We don’t plan to add an option like you suggested, but have talked about ways we can get the watched status and use that the aid decision making.

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