One Drone to Rule Them all Redux

I saw the forum post with the similar name, but my focus is a bit different. For a long time I used Sickbeard, and it took awhile for my peers to get me to swap over to NZBDrone. And, I have never looked back. It runs on my Windows 2012 servers as a service, and it is lighting fast. I did not realize how slow Sickbeard was until you guys came along. Great job! However, now that you are “on the scene” you are making every other application look very slow. I don’t think you should worry about writing a downloader by any means. SABNzb is doing fine. But, it would be a huge joy to the NZB community to have the Drone team tackle Movies and Music. Headphones is the slowest NZB app ever written. I used to think Couchpotato was good, but now it just seems old and slow. I’m not sure of the condition of the web database, and API landscape for Music. I know I’m not a fan of MusicBrainz. But, I do know that the API for is very good. Possibly you could bring your talents into the NZB movie arena as well?


Sorry, I just saw this request in YouTrack.
Sorry for the duplicate. Hope you can take my compliments to the team as my apology.

Always great to hear from a fellow convert i was lucky in that NZBDrone started not long after i started using sickbeard so the transition wasnt as hard as others but like you mentioned sickbeard seems so slow after using Nzbdrone i tried it not too long ago and it felt like going back in time

Suffice it to say i quickly uninstalled sickbeard i was never going to the make the full switch anyways i was just curious to see if they had gotten any better since i stopped using it and Nope still the same horrible colour scheme and lag doing almost everything. :slight_smile:

Anyways Welcome To The NZBDrone Community

thanks for the kind words. We definitely have movies in mind as something to tackle. music is a different story. I’m personally not a big music listener so there is not a lot of motivations for me, @markus101 might feel different.

slightly off topic. You will be surprised how much faster NzbDrone vNext is. While working vNext with @markus101 it feels painfully slow to go back to using the old version.

Yeah, can’t wait to get vnext to a full release, it so much better in so many ways.

Regarding music, I’m not really keen on that, its not something I would use, so its tough to dedicate time to it. Anime is much the same way, but it closely fits with what NzbDrone does.

well if vNext is going to be even faster it will be interesting to see :slight_smile:

because as mentioned above NzbDrone already seemed fast to begin with

I haven’t had much time lately to fully Test out the Alpha you guys released so i have just left the last build running and getting my shows hopefully i will be able to get to have a proper look at it soon though