NZBGet PP-Failure is causing sonarr to mark dl as failed, but it isnt

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Docker

I have setup Sonarr with Nzbget. Sonarr grabs a NZB and push it to NZBget, download worked fine (with exeption of 1 script that MUST be there but is failing, and this failing of this script is no problem, in some cases i need it)

What sonarr does (I think) is see that the download failed … delete everything … blacklist the release and grab the next one.

BUT the download was completly fine … i checked the files been downloaded and extractet and they are fine.

So i think its the PP-FAILURE that is causing this issue that shouldn´t be one in this case

A post-processing failure will lead to the download being marked as failed in Sonarr, this allows for a post processing script to mark a download as failed for any reason. You’ll need to fix the failing post processing script to avoid that behaviour.

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