I have installed nzbget and nzbdrone on ubuntu server 14.04. Both on their own user account. It worked for a moment but I must have made a change of some sort that broke things but I have no idea what. Nzb fails to load in nzbget with 2 error messages:
Could not add collection xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.nzb to queue
Failed to parse nzb-file
This must be a permission issue since it happens to every file. How are nzb file permissions determined?
Well, I am able to log in so assume credentials are correct. Can the user that runs nzbget, nzbdrone or mono affect this at all? What else should I look into to troubleshoot this?
Perhaps the nzb coming from the indexer is corrupt, drone doesn’t check it, it just makes sure it can grab it. I’d suggest trying one indexer at a time to eliminate one of them having issues. Use manual search to send an nzb from each indexer and verify if it gets added to drone correctly.
I’ve checked and it happens to every indexer. It looks like it must be an issue with my setup or nzbget as opposed to nzbdrone as even downloaded nzb files fail to add. If you have any ideas as to the cause please let me know. Thanks!
I have also been getting this issue, a lot, even more so since the recent sonarr changes that allowed only 1 nzb to be downloaded per second, so as to not flood APIs and indexers with downloads.
There is no rhyme or reason, it can happen just as many times doing it manually or with automatic searches. These 5 lines and line errors generally tend to be the #s that show within the errors, along with the name of the nzb not being able to be added to the queue.
NZBGet Errors side:
Failed to parse nzb-file
Error parsing nzb-file: Premature end of data in tag nzb line 3
Error parsing nzb-file: Premature end of data in tag file line 402
Error parsing nzb-file: Premature end of data in tag segments line 406
Error parsing nzb-file: Premature end of data in tag segment line 409
Every now and then it’s also this:
Error parsing nzb-file: Premature end of data in tag file line 386
Error parsing nzb-file: Premature end of data in tag segments line 390
Error parsing nzb-file: Couldn’t find end of Start Tag segment line 397
Sonarr error side:
Failed: Failed to add nzb
to the queue.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always only had 1 indexer, NzbGeek, and I’ve never had this many errors related to this occur, not in all of the time I’ve been using Drone/Sonarr. Manually downloading the nzb files from the indexer page, I can download dozens if not hundreds at a time and have no http404 or any kind of error occur.
Has there been anyone else with this kind of problem occurring? I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve already formatted the drive both nzbget and sonarr are on, completely clearing the installs, and redoing from scratch, and the same still occurs.
Any help in the matter or a direction to go in to check (aside from trying other indexers which I can gladly do) would be greatly appreciated.
I should also mention that I also get the same type of “blank/empty nzb” in sabnzbd, so this isn’t simply only related to NZBGet - it just shows more information regarding the error than sabnzbd does.