After rebooting my computer, I have found the service to no longer start. I uninstalled the services, re-installed, set to automatic-delay, and service still returns error about not starting in a timely fashion.
Recommendations please. I know that I can create a task to run the console and will do so for now but I would like to resolve this issue.
Disregard this. Instead of fighting with it. I simply uninstalled all, re-installed, and imported all my shows back in, and re-entered my settings. All is well now.
If it starts via console/tray then the Startup process for the service is taking too long (more than 60 seconds). Please delete your logs and try to start the service, which will log and should show where it is stalling.
Edit: alright, let us know if you experience a similar issue, not sure if you were on develop, if you were I suspect the cause was the logging database that had issues on startup because it was logging more than expected.
I was on master and it seemed to me that the database had gotten corrupted. Not to mention, my file setup was way older then what is currently set. Meaning; a fresh install is more organized in the programdata folder and I had simply been updating since the first revisions of v2. so, I welcome the fresh install and conforming to the file structure that is now set.
Thank you guys for the response, I appreciate it and this application. Nothing but good things to say about NZBdrone!
I seem to have a lot of trouble with the service doing the same thing for me by not starting on reboot which i had to manually start the service
I eventually gave up and simply use task scheduler to have it start the NzbDrone.exe on startup of windows i also set it so it will start whether i have logged in or not this way
@Tyran if he’s stuck on the version that causes the log.db to grow then that would happen, Will need the version/branch he’s running and trace logs of the start up process to investigate.
Hi Markus whats the best method to send you the full log?
I can dump it on a skydrive or something and PM you the link would that work?
Heres an extract from when it fails to start
14-3-19 17:01:30.3|Info|Bootstrap|Starting NzbDrone - C:\zbDrone\zbDrone.Console.exe - Version
14-3-19 17:01:33.5|Info|MigrationLogger|*** Migrating data source=C:\ProgramData\zbDrone
zbdrone.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal ***
14-3-19 17:01:35.4|Info|DbFactory|Vacuuming database
Branch - Master
Am I safe to do the following.
Backup his config.xml and nzbdrone.db files Remove NZB drone Reinstall the current installer from the site and then replace the files over the new install or is there additional files I need to xfer aswell as the DB and Config to a new install.
“14-3-19 17:01:35.4|Info|DbFactory|Vacuuming database” is the last line logged? How big is nzbdrone.db?
Backup and restore guide is here: you can skip the bin directory in that folder (I’ll update the wiki page) since thats where the app is installed to (when using the installer), but what you suggest is the bare minimum to backup.
Sorry for the delayed response, that was indeed the last entry and the db is approx 13 mb.
I’m away from my PC ATM but will try to get the log to you soon. Also happy to do a complete reinstall & restore but also as I can recreate the error at will happy to help you troubleshoot for as long as is needed if it helps others
13MB isn’t too bad, mine is about 18MB so I’m not sure if thats it. It would probably be helpful to get a copy of the database for some analysis on my end, would it be possible to zip it up and send it to me? (Can PM me a link to it on a cloud service or whatever you find easiest).
DB compresses in about half a second for me, I see in the logs it takes up to about 30 seconds though, which is much longer than I would expect it to take (at least on a regular basis).
Don’t have any suggestions on what to do next just now.
I’m running NZBDrone on a HP Microserver with 2012 R2 Essentials it does do a fair bit on startup tbh and isnt the quickest machine in the world!
I will try it on delayed start see if that helps and see If I can increase the service start-up time out somehow & also look at a clean install and recovering the installation.
I’ll update how it goes thanks for the help so far.
The friend who also has the issue btw is also running on the same setup.
Changing the service timeout to 3 mins service starts everytime… Not sure if the initial cause is just the slow PC it doesnt start quickly even at a period of inactivity… or something wrong with my install its been fine until recently…
Hopefully this is friendly enough for most people to follow… all we are doing by doing this is increasing the time out for service starts from the 30 sec default to 3 mins.
Go to Start > Run > and type regedit
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
With the control folder selected, right click in the pane on the right and select new DWORD Value
Name the new DWORD: ServicesPipeTimeout
Right-click ServicesPipeTimeout, and then click Modify
I had it working, then all of a sudden it is not now. I’ve uninstalled and re-installed a bunch of times and restarted a bunch of times. My error log says:
15-4-26 17:39:59.0|Info|Bootstrap|Starting NzbDrone - C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\bin\NzbDrone.exe - Version
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 0 processes with the name: NzbDrone.Console
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 2 processes with the name: NzbDrone
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Info|SingleInstancePolicy|1 instance(s) of NzbDrone are running
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Warn|SingleInstancePolicy|Another instance of NzbDrone is already running.
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Info|BrowserService|Starting default browser. http://localhost:8989
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Info|ProcessProvider|Opening URL [http://localhost:8989]
15-4-26 17:39:59.3|Info|Bootstrap|Application is being terminated. Reason : Another instance is already running
Can anyone help? When I try to open Sonarr via the icon it says the webpage is not available. If I try to start the nzbdrone service that is in stopped status it says the operation cannot be completed.