I have been running V2 no problem on my home system which comprises a Windows 7 HTPC connected to a QNAP Nas where all of my movies & TVshows are stored. Everything was working fine, V2 could see all of my existing shows on the NAS and I downloaded a new show this eveneing. I then thought OK great its all working well so I loaded V2 on my HTPC as a service. The service is running ok under services however now V2 does not see any of the existing movies on my NAS drive \\mynas\tvseries. Strange as the only change I made was to run the service .exe.
I have not tried to down load a show again but your advice would be appreciated.
should be \\mynas\tvseries. I just downloaded a show and it did not transfer from my SAB completed folder to my Qnap NAS.
looks like this post site does not show double \
Just escape them with backticks to show them as code blocks: \\\\mynas\\tvseries
Do you have security enabled on the share? The service account does not run under your user by default and if security is required it will fail.
Thanks but it didnt work. I have turned off the AV on the NAS & the HTPC and rebooted them. I also placed backticks ( next to 1 on keyboard) before and after and it made nil differance.
I have uninstalled the program as a service and instead now run it as a standard .exe file. My NAS drive is seen, everything works as it should.
backticks are only so it shows in the forums, they shouldn’t be used in the actual path. Great to hear, just add a shortcut to NzbDrone to your start-up folder and it will auto start.