I’m trying out nzbget over the weekend, and ran into a problem with the subliminal script. I had ND set to “complete download handling” but then drone would move the file before subliminal managed to process it. Is there a way around it without resorting to other scripts (video sort, nzbToMedia)?
if nzbget is saying the download is complete before the script is finished drone will import the file, nzbget shouldn’t do that, but I don’t know the specifics of how it operates. CDH was added to deal with this exact scenario, I’d expect this behavior if drone factory was used.
I am guessing you are running subliminal as a standalone program that monitors the completed downloads directory? In that case drone doesn’t know that subliminal is still doing its thing in the background when nzbget reports the download is complete. Just a wild guess here…
Don’t know what I did, but it’s working now.
The new problem is that ND deletes the subtitles when it moves the file. At nzbget forums it says;
Where can I do that?
You can’t at the moment: http://forums.nzbdrone.com/t/rename-episode-files-to-include-subtitle-files/22
So any process that involves ND importing\moving files will delete the subtitles?
A reanmeof an existing file won’t, but yes an imported file will currently delete all non-video files (only the one video file would be imported).
Is this fixed yet? Using NZBget with Subliminal script, and NZBGet downloads the sub, but it isn’t moved together with the video-file. Please tell me this is fixed? Or else I have to stay with SickRage.
It will be fixed when https://trello.com/c/IzNiSitU/230-move-additional-files is implemented.
Do you have any idea when this will be, a month, three months, a year?
Would love to know how far away it is?
Couldn’t tell you, we don’t give ETA’s because we can never be certain it will be done by the “deadline”. Not likely something we’ll be looking at in the next month, but I can’t speak fully for the other devs.