NzbDrone freezes

Sometimes my NzbDrone installation running in a Freenas/FreeBSD Jail freezes on “[rsssync] Processing report xxx/yyy”. I’ve set Logging to debug but can’t find any indication for a crash in the logs. NzbDrone is still running but the webinterface timeouts after a reload. (Load timeout for modues).

Pretty sure we have this issue solved in the latest develop releases as long as mono 3.2+ is used.

I’m running the current develop branch and mono 3.4. How can I help debugging the problem?

I’ve seen something similar, though I’m not sure if it’s the same thing. It doesn’t actually hang Drone completely for me but it seems to take a long time processing reports and while it does so the interface is less responsive. I’m also running Mono 3.4, but on a Synology NAS so it runs on a dressed down version of Linux rather than BSD.

Trace logs from when it crashes (before you start it again) would be a good start.

@NMe the processing of searches and RSS is pretty heavy, but it should last too long, depending on the processing power of the system. What’s the specs on your syno?

It’s on an Intel D2700 dual core processor clocked at 2.13GHz with 3GB of RAM. Full specs here (I maxed out the amount of memory). Unless SAB is unpacking something my CPU usage is never over 5%, RAM usage tends to be around 30-35% most of the time. Normally, processing those reports takes about 30 seconds (guesstimate, I haven’t timed it). When it takes longer, it often takes over 3 minutes. It will for instance halt at report 21/100 for a while, then do 22-29 seemingly effortlessly, only to halt again at 30/100, etc.

Like I said, I’m not sure if it’s related and it’s not really bothering me so if it doesn’t sound like the same thing or doesn’t sound out of the ordinary, feel free to ignore me here. I don’t mean to steal @dave’s thread.

I don’t think it’s a related problem. I can’t access the webinterface even after hours and it’s a pretty powerful machine.

Here are two trace logs. I’ve started NzbDrone, clicked “RSS Sync”, the freeze happened and I copied the log file after a while.

I’m having this problem as well. I tried compiling mono from source instead of using the old one in the freebsd ports tree. NzbDrone still freezes on rss sync randomly. Here is the version I’m using:

Mono JIT compiler version 3.6.1 (master/85378c4 Sun Jul 13 23:44:38 EDT 2014)
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
    TLS:           __thread
    SIGSEGV:       altstack
    Notification:  kqueue
    Architecture:  amd64
    Disabled:      none
    Misc:          softdebug
    LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
    GC:            sgen

Should note that I am on the latest develop branch (version at the time) and freenas Also running nzbdrone in a jail, not on the host.

I’m having the same problem, also on Freenas.

The problem might be related to a bug in Mono 3.4. I hacked the FreeBSD port to compile mono 3.6 and it hasn’t frozen since.

Thanks, I’ve been experiencing constant crashes on Mono 3.4 (couple of times a day). I have updated to Mono 3.6 - it has been stable so far, hopefully that continues!

@Kin I am experiencing the exact same problems (usually during scanning of reports). Could you send me a small step-by-step description on how to get Mono 3.6 up and running? That would help me out a lot :smile:

I see now that the Freshports website has a new version of Mono (the 3.6 one). Will try it with version first. Thanks though :smile:

It seems that the current port is still on 3.4. Will have to wait for it I guess (or is there something else I could try?)