NzbDrone.exe & nzbdrone.console.exe are 0kb?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 7
((Debug logs)):
Description of issue:
I appear to have the same issue detailed in this post here

I found that Sonarr had stopped and could not be restarted. I reinstalled and found that Sonarr failed again within a minute and could not be restarted. It appears that something is altering the NzbDrone.exe file as it is 0kb after it fails. I don’t have any antivirus running and have disabled Windows defender and MSE.
That last thread with the issue didn’t seem to have any resolution. Any help on this would be hugely appreciated!

Thanks in advance

I managed to get it running long enough to turn on debug logs, hopefully this will help


Your logs don’t show anything, but if the executables are 0 bytes then nothing would be logged because Sonarr wouldn’t be starting.

Besides anti-malware software/Firewall software that has anti-Virus/Malware I’m not sure what else could be doing that.

Hi Markus

Thanks for getting back to me. That was my thinking too but I’ve disabled anything that I think could be doing it. I’ll keep investigating.


It might be worth trying to audit the what’s changing it:

or a bit more user friendly with a 3rd party tool:

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