I am running mono version 3.4.0 with nzbdrone version I noticed when it is scanning a show and you refresh the page several times/try to navigate throughout the program quickly it locks up and unresponsive errors start to popup up. Has anybody seen this before? I have had this problem. I have to kill the process to get it to respond again.
Command executed: “mono --debug NzbDrone.exe”
[Info] Bootstrap: Starting NzbDrone - /NZBDRONE/NzbDrone.exe - Version
[Info] MigrationLogger: *** Migrating data source=/.config/NzbDrone/nzbdrone.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal ***
[Info] MigrationLogger: *** Migrating data source=/.config/NzbDrone/logs.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal ***
[Info] Router: Application mode: Interactive
[Info] OwinHostController: Listening on the following URLs:
[Info] OwinHostController: http://*:8989/
[Info] NancyBootstrapper: Starting NzbDrone API
[Info] SceneMappingService: Updating Scene mapping
[Info] HousekeepingService: Running housecleaning tasks
[Info] Database: Vacuuming database
[Info] Database: Database Compressed
[Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for 24
[Warn] MediaCoverMapper: File /.config/NzbDrone/MediaCover/10/poster.jpg not found
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [76290][24]
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [76290][24].
[Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for 24
[Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for 24
[Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Bones
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [75682][Bones]
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [75682][Bones].
[Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Bones
Error Chrome:
require.js : 138
Uncaught #
require.js : 138
Uncaught #
require.js : 138
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: api!system/status_unnormalized2,api!system/status,api!series http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout
I see this come up from time to time, I’m not 100% sure what causes it, but I have a couple theories.
Log files in debug mode will give more details that could be useful.
Were multiple disk scans running at once?
Was that a full page refresh that you got the require.is error on?
Sorry about the late response. It was a full page refresh in chrome being repeated numerous times and navigating through the menu fast.
I believe it became unresponsive when it was scanning for a TV show “[Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Bones”.
Enabling debug output is this command correct? mono --debug NzbDrone.exe? How do I post the log results since there is no attached file?
I have a log file when it crashed/unresponsive. Can I email it to you?
PM me a link to dropbox/mega/etc
Doesn’t look like anything weird is going on, could you repeat the process with Trace logging in drone enabled? Leave mono in debug mode though.
I have uploaded another log and made sure trace statement is running. I was trying to add shows and it kept locking up after 3-5 shows I added. I also uploaded a screenshot of what I was seeing on the browser end.
Any idea or more information you need? Please note that I re-installed it so I have a fresh start. I was just adding my shows back when it kept locking up.
Seems to be whenever the disk is being scanned, how is your root folder setup? Is it a local disk or mounted share?
As for the screenshot, are you reloading after the freeze to show the effect or doing that and seeing the freeze?
Well I have Nzbdrone setup in a jail in freenas. It should be the root file system (which is a RAIDZ), This is the step I do: http://doc.freenas.org/index.php/Adding_Jails#Adding_Storage. The screenshot shows what happens when I try to reload the page.
What happens if you try to import one series followed by another after it completes (give it 30-60 seconds to complete if you’re unsure)?
It seems to be fine. Is there any other steps you recommend or maybe an idea what the problem could be. It seems to happen the most when rsync is executing and it is updating shows.