Nzbdrone.console.exe randomly opening and access issues

I’ve been runing Sonarr for about 6 months now and this is the first time I have run into issues. I’m running it on a Windows 10 machine. I have it set to start up with windows as I also run my plex server and plex home theatre on the same machine. Recently I have been getting nzbdrone.console.exe popping up on the screen at random times and it has become rather annoying when I’m watching things. Once I close the console window it shuts down Sonarr and I have to restart it. I’ve tried uninstalling sonarr as a service but I haven’t had any luck with it as it still persists. As well, I’ve looked over the log file and there’s nothing to say why it would have popped up. The only difference I’ve noticed is that Sonarr will no longer start unless I right-click and select “Run as adminitstrator” I’m not too sure if the issues are related or separate but I’m starting to get rather frustrated with it and I’m at a loss as to what to do.

How are you starting Sonarr on boot? Startup folder?
Which executable are you running on boot?
Which version of Sonarr are you running?

If you want Sonarr to run it permanently in the background, run the service. If you run Sonarr via the console window and an update installs then the console will be restarted and you’ll get a new console window.

Sonarr doesn’t need administrative permissions to run, it would only need to be run once as admin to open the firewall.

It’s in my start up folder. I’ve got a shortcut to nzbdrone.exe in the start up folder to run during boot. I’m currently running

Sonarr never needed administrative permissions to run but for some reason it always does now, otherwise the browser opens but I get a timeout error.

If NzbDrone.exe is being used and an update is released Sonarr will run NzbDrone.exe again, it won’t run NzbDrone.Console.exe.

Check the logs the next time it starts as a console, it will add a nobrowser flag to the parameters when it happens from an update, but you can also check the update logs to see how it started Sonarr after the update.

Check the log files for errors when not run as administrator, not sure if they is anything new in Windows 10 that would cause issues, but perhaps there is a higher security limitation.

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