NzbDrone automatically downloading unwanted episodes

Hi, I am new to NzbDrone. I only save the most recent season of my TV shows so the earlier episodes/seasons are missing for all my shows. Today NzbDrone started to automatically download these unwanted earlier seasons. My intended use for NzbDrone is just grab the newest episodes of my shows, I don’t want it to download the missing earlier seasons. How can I turn off this feature? Thank you.

Turn off the monitoring of the other seasons.
When adding a new show you’re able to choose which season it should start with if I’m not mistaking.

You can also do it after the fact:

It worked. Thank you guys so much!

I do feel that adding a “ignore missing episodes” option would be helpful.

Changing to not monitor is the same as ignore,
But as SB user you’re used to ignore.
I had the same issue