Nzbdrone Auto-Start on Debian Distro?

I have a bit of spare time over the next couple of days so i want to try out a distro i have had for a while called Turnkey Fileserver it is a pre-packaged Debian build with SMB sharing setup pre-configured

i am trying to get nzbdrone to work on this and i got it setup and working but i cannot get it to auto-start i have created the nzbdrone.conf file and saved it but when i try to run the sudo start nzbdrone command it won’t let me it says “command not found” i have tried it like

sudo start nzbdrone

start nzbdrone


I am logged in as root by default and i can get it started by using mono /etc/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe but as most know this is only run live in the terminal so when you close the terminal or reboot it does not come back on i have to issue the command everytime

I assume you’re following: - Debian doesn’t ship with upstart by default (AFAIK), you could try a stanard init.d script. Or maybe:

ok thanks mate i keep tricking myself into thinking how great it would be to run a linux based home server then i get to a roadblock on something simple like this and realise “Yep this is why i am still using windows” :slight_smile: thanks for the links and help might test it out over the weekend but in a virtual machine not gonna touch my Windows Server that has been running for more than two weeks 24/7 without a single issue (would have been more but storms here cut the power at one stage)

I kinda want to see how long i can run a Windows Based server before a restart is require (i know i have to for updates but i am wondering how bad it would be to wait a month or two or even more to restart and apply??)

Guess i am waying up whether you have windows where you have to do semi - regular reboots but is simple to setup and Just Works.

or Spend hours/days configuring a Linux Server but then will run for ages without needing a reboot but may need me to research if an issue arises