NZBDrone is not finding episodes of The Americans (2013). Here are the messages in the log:
14-8-15 11:31:43.9|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 2 indexers for [The Americans (2013) : S01E04]
14-8-15 11:31:44.0|Info|FetchFeedService|Finished searching WomblesIndex for [The Americans (2013) : S01E04]. Found 0
14-8-15 11:31:47.8|Info|FetchFeedService|Finished searching OZNZB for [The Americans (2013) : S01E04]. Found 0
14-8-15 11:31:48.0|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|No reports found
14-8-15 11:31:48.1|Info|MissingEpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 0 reports downloaded.
If I take “The Americans (2013) : S01E04” and search on oznzb there appear to be plenty of results. I can download them manually.
I also confirmed other series are finding and downloading correctly.
Any suggestions for next steps in troubleshooting this issue?
Debug logs will show the URL drone used to hit oznzb with, which likely uses the tvrage id for the series and its possible oznzb doesn’t have it mapped to those releases correctly (the id is 30449).
oz returned zero results though, so there was nothing for drone to process.
Here is the entry from the debug log:,5040&extended=1&apikey=&limit=100&rid=30449&season=1&ep=3
And this is what I receive when I copy and paste into browser:
Heading to check my user credentials now.
Now I realize the api key was stripped out. It looks like the id is correctly mapped. Any ideas for what I should check next?
Did you see results when you ran it in the browser?
If there are results its drone, otherwise its oznzb failing to return anything.
It looks like it might have been a configuration problem with the DroneFactory changes. I had added a new category to SABNZB and I think I mapped everything incorrectly initially. Not sure why it seemed to work for a while, but now that I followed the Wiki a bit more closely, all seems well.
Thanks for you help