NZB Drone is Saying a Series has no Episodes

So the series is showing no episodes but Trakt when clicked, is showing the right show but when you click tvdb it is pulling up a blank page but and the wrong page at that.

The series is Terror In Resonance
NZB drone info
Trakt: ( correct )
TVDB: ( Not Correct )
TVRage: ( correct )

what it should be

The page on NzbDrone, shows only the summery, no existing episodes that i have, nor episodes that i have missed.
is there a fix to this

You will have to contact [trakt’s support] ( to have them correct the issue.

the info on there site is correct tho? why would i have to contact them
when you go on trakt and click the tvdb link, it sends you to the right link. The nzb drone one is pulling a diffrent page

Sorry, that wasn’t clear to me. Simplest fix would be to remove the series from drone and re-add it.

When a new anime comes out, this often happens. Someone will make a new series with the English name, someone else will make one with the Japanese name. Later the series gets update to have the English name as this is the convention on TVDB, leaving both series with the same name.

It’s probably best to always check the series you’re adding before you actually click add if there is another series by the same name.