I don’t know if this is because of a new update but I just went to add a series and none of my TV show paths are showing up. Any ideas?
Never mind. For some reason they all reappeared. Maybe ND was being updated?
Possibly, it has to talk to the API to get the paths, last update went out about 2 hours ago (to develop).
Cool, I will check it again later to make sure it is ok.
They are gone again.
They’re not gone, they just take a while to show up. Abnormally long, we’ll look into it.
Since when? They usually show up in a second or 2 for me.
I guess this will also affect the series monitor status? If ND does not see a path then it won’t be able to download an episode?
I noticed that it was taking a really long time to load, but they do eventually. Normally it was fast (second or two). I don’t know when it started happening exactly, but we both noticed it today, so I’ll go with, since today.
Its taking a long time to load from the API for display in the UI, which has nothing to do with NzbDrone’s ability to download episodes. It the path is physically missing (network share down, failed hard drive, etc) then it would still send the file to SAB for downloading, but would be unable to import the file after download (assuming SAB was able to download it).
Awesome! Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated.