Not receiving episodes from TVDB

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows Server 2012

TL;DR - Is there anyway I can get sonarr to update from TVDB, I have noticed that data on their site isn’t matching up with sonarr.

I’ve been keeping an eye on tvdb/sonarr for Deadliest Catch episodes and on Sunday morning (GMT) I noticed S16E01 was added to TVDB, I hoped that before the airdate which is April 14th (est/pst) it would be available on Sonarr, but so far it hasn’t updated. If it wasn’t for the special episodes not showing last week, forcing me to deal with it manually, I wouldn’t have paid any attention to this, but it seems like there is a huge delay in updates between TVDB and Sonarr for certain shows (or maybe just this show??)

At some point I’m going to have to check all my shows to make sure they’re all up to date, but this is the only one so far that I’ve noticed that hasn’t been updating or at least takes a long time to update. As an example, the special episodes I manually downloaded last week, plex was able to pull that metadata for those episodes once I scanned my library, but it wasn’t until maybe 1-2 days later that the episodes finally appeared on sonarr.

I’ve tried to do a refresh&scan daily with no success, so I was hoping maybe you guys would have a suggestion?

Sonarr has made my life so much easier but at the same time it has me at a disadvantage as I no longer think to check my shows and make sure the data is correct and up to date.

Thank you in advance.

TVDB is caching for at least 24 hours, so things are at least that far out of date. Usually we see things updated in about 26-30 hours.

I see that episode there now.

Anything that Uses TVDB data is going to be behind at this point, but if Sonarr sees the episode after it’s aired it’ll search for it.

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Thank you for the response, I noticed it got added, so came to update my post. Prior to sonarr I would have gotten my info from the source such as the deadliest catch website it was tedious work until I stumbled upon sonarr, things have been working seemlessly to the point that I don’t go looking anymore, might start investing some time into that now to prevent future issues.

Thanks again.

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