Not importing due to 123.mkv via Sabnzbd

Been working fine for a while but this week that downloaded episodes aren’t being imported. After looking at my SabNZBD history I noticed that lots of episodes are being named 123.mkv rather than the actual file name.

e.g. \Grimm S04E08 Chupacabra 720p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264-ECI\123.mkv

Anyone else noticing this?

You should be able to fix it by turning on SabNZBD TV sorting but I’d rather not go down that route of it’s a bug?

so you dont have episode sorting on? hmm. might be something to ask in

I wonder if its a new format for hashed releases, if you have a few more examples, please provide them and we can investigate further.

Think it might be actually, more examples:

\Have I Got News For You S48E10 720p WEBRip AAC2 0 H 264-iPRiP\123.mkv
\The Big Bang Theory S08E11 The Clean Room Infiltration 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264-Oosh\123.mkv
\Chicago PD S02E09 720p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264-KiNGS\123.mkv
\The 100 S02E07 720p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264-KiNGS\123.mkv
\Elementary S03E07 720p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264-NTb\123.mkv

I just discovered the same, using NZBget:


really strange. They are stuck in the download folder and are not processed. There seems nothing wrong with the files though!

Edit, more info from nzbget log

Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:18	Unrar: Extracting 123.mkv
Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:18	Unrar: Extracting from 0fvfc6046rqkelp51j8wp8mh1gauqr0w.rar

INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:42	Move for Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS successful
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:42	Moving completed files for Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:42	Cleanup for Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS successful
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:42	Deleting file 0fvfc6046rqkelp51j8wp8mh1gauqr0w.par2
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:42	Cleaning up Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:41	No renamed files found for Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:41	Checking renamed files for Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
INFO	Mon Dec 15 2014 04:43:41	Unpack for Homeland.S04E11.Krieg.Nicht.Lieb.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS successful

Files are not moved though…

Looks like it’s a new hashing system.

All of todays eps (Homelane, Once Upon a Time) are the same.

As a work around you can switch on Sab’s own Internal TV Sorting to get the files renamed back so Drone understands them.

Just use the following format “%sn - %sx%0e - %en.%sn - %sx%0e - %en.%ext”

But this isn’t ideal as now when I manually send eps to Sab it renames them in an unconventional way compared to the rest of my library.

I have the same issue. Mine started on Friday. So frustrating. :frowning:

Non-sample file detected: [C:\Temp\Downloads\Marco.Polo.2014.S01E06.White.Moon.1080p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb\123.mkv]

This is already addressed in develop.

I know that now. :smiley:


Glad to see it’s in develop…just came over here to report this issue and saw this thread…

This is still happening.



Which version of Sonarr?

Debug Log files showing the import process are definitely required to evaluate why.

I am using Sonarr Ver. - develop

Here is the log:

14-12-18 20:49:41.9|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Existing file on disk is of equal or higher quality: WEBDL-1080p v2

Apparently the existing file is either a WEBDL-1080p Proper or better.

It was a WEBDL-1080p Proper.

I know, its not importing because the existing is the same or better. v2 = proper

So the fix is in dev or the cause is same/better quality exists. Maybe I am misunderstanding everything here. Seeing issue all over the place now. MARCO POLO, csi, major crimes, person of interest

Its fixed in develop. The quality issue is unrelated to the 123.mkv issue.

Thats great news. Now the question is how long before the fix hits production as this appears to be a growing issue. More and more releases are seeing this file format and the manual file re-names while a solution are not efficient. Thanks.