Not handling some failed downloads from sabnzbd (malformed + missing)

Hi there,

my setup is sonarr master with sab.
When a download fails in sab sonarr recognizes the failed download as long as the reason is written in sab in red letters.
For example:

69 articles were missing
Aborted, cannot be completed

is handled but

1 articles were malformed
1 articles were missing

is not handled. the latter has no red error text in the sab history. the only visible difference to a successful download is the missing unpack icon. so instead of 4 icons for a successful download there is only 3.

The failed download is visible in the activity tab with no progress/time left 00:00:00.
And in the wanted tab it is listed with status = downloading 100%. The progressbar is full.

any idea on how to get sonarr to recognize this as a failed download?
thx in advance.

Trace logs that have the response coming from SAB with this “failed” download would be a good start at least then we can see where the issue lies, but based on your description it sounds like an issue with SABnzbd not reporting it as failed, but something else.

Sorry for the late reply. It took me a while to catch one bc the logs cycle after 50 files which is not enough if it happens at night.
What should i be looking for? I do not see anything in the logfile at the timestamp in sab related to that specific episode?
If i post the log. Which timeframe do you need because it is a lot of logfiles for just a few minutes and pastebin is limited to 512kb :smiley:

The failed episode was Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS. According to Sab it finished 16:37:52. So this line might be important:
15-3-6 16:40:31.5|Trace|SabnzbdProxy|Response: {"history":{"active_lang":"en","session":"49026548bc7f0ac1b604bece424588af","slots":[{"action_line":"","show_details":"True","script_log":"","meta":null,"fail_message":"","loaded":false,"id":754,"size":"1.3 GB","category":"tvs","pp":"D","retry":0,"completeness":0,"script":"None","nzb_name":"Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS","download_time":325,"storage":"/volume1/series/done/Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS.1","status":"Completed","script_line":"","completed":1425652676,"nzo_id":"SABnzbd_nzo_3f4P8D","downloaded":1345930082,"report":"","path":"/volume1/series/done/nzbtemp/Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS","postproc_time":17,"name":"Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS","url":"Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS","bytes":1345930082,"url_info":"","stage_log":[{"name":"Download","actions":["Downloaded in 5 minutes 25 seconds at an average of 3.9 MB/s<br/>2 articles were malformed<br/>2 articles were missing"]},{"name":"Source","actions":["Scandal.US.S04E14.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS"]},{"name":"Unpack","actions":["[] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 16 seconds"]}]},{"action_line":"","show_details":"True","script_log":"","meta":null,"fail_message":"","loaded":false,"id":753

The rar files are there but give an error when extracting (at least using winrar 5.10).

Thats what we were looking for (the output of history from SAB’s API), any time an item like that was in history (in the last 30 items), Sonarr should have logged it, unless your’re downloading more than 30 nzbs a night that it should have been there), but you found it now.

Its very much as I expected, unfortunately. SAB returns the status of Completed for this nzb, only buried in the logs (stage_log) do they log that an article was malformed. I’m not entirely sure what that means in the usenet world, but in any case unless SABnzb marks it as failed we can’t interpret that its failed. I suggest open a thread on their forums and asking what it means and explaining the situation, it might be something that they just aren’t handling properly.

Thank you. I will do that.
I am just wondering if i am the only one having this problem because it happens to about 2 show per night. So other should have experienced it.