Sonarr version (exact version): 2.0.03953 Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Windows 10 ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Description of issue:
A while back I posted regarding an issue with Sonarr grabbing not so accurate scene name titles, only to fail import because the naming wasn’t completely accurate. So, I submitted the alternate name to the Google spreadsheet I was directed to and it was added: Drew Carey > The Drew Carey Show.
I never got a chance to try and do a season search since the alternate name was added and then was caught up in moving servers around and kind of forgot about it. Yesterday I tried a season search on it and now it is not grabbing any of the alternate scene name releases even though they are available through my indexers. I tried again this morning in order to catch a debug log and got the same result.
Your logs are cutoff so I can’t see anything before the last two calls to your one indexer, but if results aren’t there to process your indexer didn’t return them. Try a manual search to see if the results come back.
Also one of your indexers is returning garbage results:
16-5-4 11:02:13.9|Debug|NzbSearchService|Total of 267 reports were found for [The Drew Carey Show : S02] from 4 indexers
16-5-4 11:02:13.9|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 267 releases
16-5-4 11:02:13.9|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E16.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET English'
Searching for season 2 shouldn’t return results for season 1.
Did a manual search and immediately saw the releases available, but noted that it was marked ( ! ) due to ‘Unknown’ source. I guess that Quality was left out of a couple of my Profiles and therefore Sonarr was doing exactly as it should: ignoring it. Adjusted the Profiles and all is well.
One followup question: Does Unknown Quality get tagged as SDTV when imported? For the few that have flowed in, this seems to be the case, just want to confirm.
Interesting note on the indexer results. I’ll look into that further.