I’ve used the old NzbDrone some months ago which worked fine and I thought I was quite familiar with it.
Now I just downloaded the new version on a new computer (completely fresh) and added a few shows (Boss, Community etc.), the process of which worked fine.
HOWEVER it’s not finding ANY episodes for any of these shows.
I checked “Settings” -> “Indexers” and only found a bunch of premium indexers, all of which are set to disabled - except for WomblesIndex - which I’m not familiar with and apparently it doesn’t support searching.
So now what?
I’m not a member of any of those “premium” indexers as I usually use NZBClub or NZBindex which are absolutely fine for me (I also use “encrypted” NZBs from closed forums but for obvious reasons this is a manual job).
However, I could see neither NZBclub nor NZBindex or any other “open” indexer in NZBdrone.
Am I completely missing something MAJOR here? Surely it can’t be that NZBdrone only works with those closed, pay-for indexers anymore?
So, I tried to add NZBclub manually, but I could find what to enter in the URL field to get it to work…??
Again, this is an “out of the box” setup, just two, three series added, download folder set for the NZBs - but I don’t get any episodes do at all.
Can anyone help me with that? I feel like I’m COMPLETELY missing something right now, so apologies if I sound stupid.
Hope you can help…
You’re not missing anything, those indexers are not available in drone v2; NZBIndex was removed some time ago because it was no longer providing RSS feeds, so it wasn’t useful. We recently removed NzbClub due to their API being unreliable and only returning partial results (not all qualities were included to do how their site works) as well as being extremely slow in comparison to other indexers.
Drone v1 and v2 both include some of the more common newznab indexers, but there are plenty of smaller ones, some of which are completely free (at least in the beginning), which you can add.
nzbindex.in boasts being a free site - though they want donations for more API calls/more downloads per day.
So nzbindex, even if added manually, just won’t do anything anymore?
It seems this was the primary (if not only) indexer that produced results, because now nothing gets downloaded anymore.
I just add everything manually now by searching nzbindex, but that’s not really the point.
The only manually added indexers drone supports are newznab based indexers. nzbindex.nl and nzbclub are not newznab based sites and due to other reasons (mentioned above) were removed. nzbindex.nl hasn’t had an API that would reliably return results in some time, it looks like they opened up the RSS feed again, but manually fetching it a few times resulted in about 50% of the calls failing due to server errors.
Not sure what you’re comparing nzbindex to, but there are plenty of far more reliable sites that return results, for free or a nominal price per year or for life.