This discussion was created from comments split from: New Shows Not Moving.
having a similar problem.
some shows, despite showing on index sites are not being downloaded, they do fall into the appropriate quality settings.
manually downloading using sabnzbd+ and correctly selecting the tv category results in the episode being put in the drone folder but not in it being moved to the episode folder or being renamed.
I cannot determine why some episodes aren’t being downloaded despite being wanted and why when downloaded manually their progress isn’t shown in nzbdrone and the import process doesn’t proceed
@bl4ck4dd3r2 yours is only partially the same, to avoid confusion I moved it to a new thread.
What happens when you do a manual search, it will show a rejection reason as to why it was rejected. If you grab it manually it will link in drone (as long as drone can match it to a series it knows about).
Are the episodes/series monitored?
Enabling debug logging should show why items in the queue don’t match/why searches are rejected (if they are).
PS why do you have two accounts? @bl4ck4dd3r and @bl4ck4dd3r2