Not detecting available episodes

I have a good connection to NZBGeek, have entered the API info, tested the connection (which worked), and mostly get new episodes of things fine. However, every now and then, I come across an episode that has available downloads that have been properly categorized in NZBGeek, but Sonarr does not detect them, even with a manual search.

If you want to test this, PM me and I will give you an example of one that’s doing it right now.

We’d need debug logs of the episode on the RSS feed to see why it was missed.

I suppose it is also possible that the item didn’t end up on the RSS feed if it was indexed late and the feed shows things based on their post time instead of index time. I’m not sure if this case can apply, but it would explain this.

I can’t get to the computer with the debug logs right now. However, I’ve got some screenshots. From the log message, it looks like Sonarr is searching for S00E00 for some reason. Does that give you any ideas, or do you still need the debug log?

Which version of Sonarr?

The only reason I can see that happening is if there was a bad scene mapping from, but I don’t see that happening.