Not all folder are moved (Ubuntu)

This discussion was created from comments split from: Access to the path is denied..

Running ND on ubuntu server, dronefactory folder is on a share between 2 Linux VMs while another Ubuntu VM is running sabnzbd. Sorry not at home right now so I don’t have release info, but ND was update this am EST, from the develop branch.

I’m kinda having the same problem,

Checking file permissions does not indicate anything odd.

I have webmin on this server too, its unable to move/delete folder in dronefactory. But if I ssh in and run mc (as myself, no su), I’m able to manipulate the downloaded file(s) with no issue (on same server)

But what is really blowing my mind is that some downloads are processed fine while others are not, kicking out the permission error. Some move, some do not. There are with no changes to the configuration between tests…

Just really puzzled why some work and other do not.

@davlav - moved to a new thread in order to not fill up the other one with a possibly different issue.

What error message are you getting? The best way is to enable trace logging, clear your logs and then post the log file f it failing to import a folder and it’s files within. It’s best to post logs on pastebin instead of filling the thread with them as it helps readability.

It sees the file, and then tries to move it… but then throws the permission denied that it cannot move the file. Note, this is after SAB is done with the “unpack” and renamed the folder,

Its hit miss, but so far occurs on the same show name if that makes a difference. Grabs for American Horror Sorry and Chicago Fire fail, but The Crazy Ones processed fine. And its repeatable as far as I can tell, I can delete the whole episode and start over and it will fail again.

I’ll get all pertinent info tonight and post results. Tx

Hope this helps and gets you to the right place.

@davlaw Unfortunately, when doing a file move an error such as the one being logged (System.UnauthorizedException) doesn’t report what end (source or destination) failed. I was hoping it would and we would be able to expose it, but since it doesn’t there is one of cases that could be failing (since it works for some shows).

  1. The destination path has permissions that prevent drone from writing to it
  2. The source folder has permissions that prevent the file being moved

Hopefully something jumps out and you can find it, but the error is coming from code below drone’s so I’m not sure there is much we can do here.

Yep, understand. Intermittent issues are so PTA I know what I have works, as some stuff it grabs works. It did a successful one just after this. But you did make a point about the destination , as my logic as been up to this point. I’ve got a couple of more ideas to try. This was an imported folder, I think I will let ND deal with creation of the folder and see what happens.

Was hoping it might be an illegal character in the file name etc, since it appears on the same series each time.

Bingo we have a winner, plus a few choice words. It was a folder that I had copied from the sick-beard side to ND and the darn permission issue was at the destination. Destinations folders that ND created were working fine.

Ok, thanks for the mental push in the right direction, case closed!

Awesome, thanks for reporting back. Glad its sorted.