[Noob] Need help -> Macintosh / Catalina / Docker / Sonarr

Docker Desktop: 2.2.05 (43884)
Sonarr version: (installed today Sonarr linuxserver/sonarr run in Docker)
Mono version: ( run in Docker)
OS: macOS 10.15.4 Catalina
Logs: None
Other: Command Line Shy

New user, fumbling through command line tutorials to get Sonarr set up through Docker on the Mac.
:white_check_mark: Mono plugins appears in Docker dashboard, appears to be running.
:thinking: Sonarr (linuxserver/sonarr) plugin appears on Docker dashboard, but will not start.
:thinking: Now sure how the configure Sonarr directories to work (tutorials are mostly pc file structures)
:expressionless: No errors or hints as to what needs to be fixed.

Efforts to fix:
• Trying various tutorials
• Ensure the sh binary has permissions

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