Non-continuous multiple episodes in a file

I was using the multiple episde “range” setting so shows with mutliple episodes in a single file will have S01E01-03… Then I found mr magoo and the file “episode 01.avi” has the following in this order:

S01E02 Military Magoo
S01E04 Base on bawls
S01E09 Thin Skinned Diver
S01E24 Mother’s little helper
S01E10 A day at the beach

(the rest of the files are similarly mixed)

This looked like a good reason to switch to the “Repeat” setting so I did that and updated some of my existing files. Everything looked good with the episodes that were still in the TVDB order and continuous.

I tried naming the file S01E02E04E09E24E10 and Sonarr tries to rename it S01E02 because it can’t make sense of the following string…

Is there a work-around for this using a different configuration option or naming approach?

Sonarr expects the file to contain continuous episodes, there is no way to force it out of the behaviour as there is no way for Sonarr to know on its own how the file/release is named. Best way to solve this would be to split the episodes.

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