I was using the multiple episde “range” setting so shows with mutliple episodes in a single file will have S01E01-03… Then I found mr magoo and the file “episode 01.avi” has the following in this order:
S01E02 Military Magoo
S01E04 Base on bawls
S01E09 Thin Skinned Diver
S01E24 Mother’s little helper
S01E10 A day at the beach
(the rest of the files are similarly mixed)
This looked like a good reason to switch to the “Repeat” setting so I did that and updated some of my existing files. Everything looked good with the episodes that were still in the TVDB order and continuous.
I tried naming the file S01E02E04E09E24E10 and Sonarr tries to rename it S01E02 because it can’t make sense of the following string…
Is there a work-around for this using a different configuration option or naming approach?