NFO with <dateAdded> as <aired> (Emby)


I’ve been playing around with Emby as a media manager and it has a lot of nice features, but one area it seems to fall a little flat is new episode sorting in Kodi. Using Sonarr/Kodi/MySQL and having Sonarr set the creation/modified date to air date works really great for upgrading and especially bulk importing episodes. I have Sonarr creating the NFOs which populates the dateAdded field appropriately which is fine since Kodi ignores that for sorting. If you look at the Kodi database entries for episodes you’ll see that the Kodi dataAdded field is actually set to aired which is what Kodi uses to sort the recently added lists.

Emby, however, populates its dateAdded DB field with the date in the dateAdded section of the NFO.I suppose this isn’t really a ‘problem’, but because of this all upgraded episodes show up in the Kodi recently added list and if you bulk-add a season they all show up as well. I was wondering if it might be possible to add an override in Sonarr to set the dateAdded date in the NFO to the aired date which would resolve this. I tried to bring this up on the Emby forum and it didn’t seem to get anywhere so I thought I’d give this a shot.


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Alternatively, is there a metadata “dateaired” or something similar?

I just did the exact same switch from mysql to Emby for a backend.

It seems that the difference is how Emby and Kodi populate the <> value from the NFO into their DBs. Emby will put the actual file creation date in its DB but Kodi will put the airdate it scraped there. The <> date in the Kodi DB is what the recently added lists in Kodi go by which is why when Sonarr with Kodi/MySQL upgrades episodes they don’t all show up in recently added.

If there was an option for Sonarr to put the airdate in the << dateadded >> field in the NFO then Emby would scrape upgraded and bulk import episodes ‘correctly’ and the recently added list would be accurate.

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