New to Sonarr. It isn't seeing my current episodes

Hi everyone. I am a current SickBeard user and have heard only good things about Sonarr so I decided to give it a shot. I have installed it and I believe configured it properly. I added a couple of folders of Episodes that currently work just fine in SickBeard, but Sonarr isn’t seeing the episodes. It says that none of the episodes exist, although they already exist in the folders.

Here is my structure

E:\TV_Shows\Beat Bobby Flay\Season 1
E:\TV_Shows\Beat Bobby Flay\Season 2
E:\TV_Shows\Beat Bobby Flay\Season 3

What am I missing.



Are you importing from E:\TV_Shows? This would be the correct way. I believe if you point it to E:\TV_Shows\Beat Bobby Flay, it would not work.

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Ding, Ding, Ding. That fixed the issue

thanks for the help


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