New Season Search Button

I have been having an issue with the season search button, It will grab The Show.s01-all and it will complete downloading but its just the first episode that was name incorrectly, so now i have to go an click the search button for each episode. I am suggesting added a second button like auto/manuel but Full season/Season Eps so it will Search for All Episodes in a Season Individually.

Thank you

If you have one or more episodes in the season already, the season search button will search and queue individual episodes, it will ignore the full season packs. At least that is my observation.

If it happens for me, when it downloads a full season pack but for whatever reason only a few episodes from the pack are actually imported, I just click the button again and it will queue the remaining ones individually…

it could be that i dont go and ignore the ep, but for me it keeps downloading the same one over and over… clicking the episodes one at a time is not a big deal… but some shows have 30+ episodes {insert carpal tunnel} :smile:

We already have some fixes planned and others implemented that should clean up season searching. A lot has to do with the lack of tvrage IDs at the moment (since a lot of indexers don’t handle the search via title well.