Network Traffic on Import

My setup:

I have 2 mac minis in my setup both on 10.10.3.

One mac mini accessible as web server (let’s call it Sonarr Server) runs Sonarr and initiates the downloads to my other mac mini server (let’s call it plex server) which runs transmission, SABnazbd, Plex Home Theatre and Plex Server and is behind a VPN. All Files are local to the plex server.

I have now noticed that after a file has been downloaded, network traffic between my sonarr and plex servers spike as if it is copying from the sonarr server to the plex server. A 1GB file takes about 90 seconds at 12MB/s up and down.

Why is this happening? All the files are downloaded on the Plex server and should be remaining on the plex server.

Please help and advise!



Or its due to how the files are stored:

  • Hardlinking not supported (Torrents only)
  • Files are on different shares

More info on your setup would be useful.

What additional info on my setup do you require?

they are mkv files, ‘Analyse video files’ is currently on, should i turn it off?

Sonnar version. Mono version. How the shares are setup, where do the files get downloaded to, where does Sonarr move them?

Doesn’t matter, import always uses media info to check the run time.

Let’s start over. I apologize if I was confusing :slight_smile:

Sonarr Version
Mono Version
4.0.0 ((detached/d136b79 Mon Apr 13 14:40:59 EDT 2015)

Mac mini 1 OS X 10.10.3
Mac mini 2 OS X 10.10.3

Mac mini 1 has Sonarr installed and monitors new shows. Sonarr pushes the download info from my indexers to the download clients on Mac mini 2.

Mac mini 2 downloads via transmission or SABnzbd and has all the drives where the TV shows are located. These are attached directly to Mac mini 2 via USB.

So once the show has started to download it should forever remain on Mac mini 2. However, when a show has finished downloading, the network traffic spikes as if it is copying from Mac mini 1 to the destination in Mac mini 2. These are MKV files several GB in size.

All incomplete and complete folders are on Mac mini 2.

Any idea why this is occurring? I haven’t witnessed this before. Thanks.

How are they exposed to Mac mini 1?
What are the paths?

/Volumes/Plex1 Mirrored/TV
/Volumes/Plex2 Mirrored/TV
/Volumes/Plex3 Mirrored/TV

Shared from Mac mini 2

I suspect you’re seeing a full copy because they are on different volumes, which means the server doing to copy gets the play the man in the middle and pull down the entire file in order to upload it to the other volume.

SMB shares have the same limitation, but if you copy within the same SMB share its treated as a move.

\\server\share1 to \\server\share2 is a copy, but \\server\share1\folder1 to \\server\share1\folder2 is moved.