I’m a recent convert to Sonarr (3 days now) after years of Sickbeard (and a few months of SickRage). In the last week I’ve also started testing Universal Media Server alongside Plex and am in day 3 of a month long test of NZBGet after years of SabNZBd.
Most of my issues I’ve sorted out through trial and error and mostly tons of reading through the forum but I have one point of confusion that’s driving me nuts and another where I need a little help getting my set up correct.
This is how I’m currently set up.
Each show’s download folder is in F:/Downloads/
Shows are unpacked in G:/unpack
Completed are moved to F:/Completed
NZBGet does the following post-processing (in order)
Folder Flattening
Delete Samples
Notify Plex
Subliminal (download subtitles)
edit: I forgot to mention, DroneFactory is watching F:/Completed
So…problem (1)
I still haven’t figured out why the calendar shows some episodes as downloaded and others as missing even though they’ve all been grabbed and successfully downloaded. I’m sure this has something to do with my misunderstanding of DroneFactory but I do have that and CEH both enabled. Maybe someone can bridge my knowledge gap on how this works?
Now for issue (2)
I have 2 sub-folders for completed episodes:
F:/Completed/Series - for shows that I watch alone
F:/Completed/Subtitled - for shows that I watch with my gf
What I’d like to do is find a way to automatically route each type of episode to the correct folder.
My issue comes with subtitles downloading for series that are currently being aired since those subtitles don’t come out until hours or a day after the episodes airs.
So…the specific areas I could use some help with are:
What’s the best way for me to create those two separate methods to handle Series and Subtitled?
Where is the ideal point for me to have NZBGet hand off to Sonarr keeping the issue of delayed subtitles in mind?
How can I get the calendar to accurately reflect the reality of my downloads
3a. Is there a way for me to manually rescan after my downloads are completed in the morning so that the Calendar updates after the fact? I’m fine with that.
Anyway…I thank you for taking the time to read this and any answers or links to relevant threads that I might have missed would be appreciated.
There are a few issues with your setup from Sonarr’s perspective:
Sonarr uses nzbget to tell it where to import files from, since the files aren’t there because you PP script is moving them they are considered missing
Sonarr doesn’t import/handle subtitles, it will leave them behind, so even with a more conventional setup it would discard them
You can’t watch multiple locations with Drone Factory
Until Sonarr sees the files sorted on disk, by moving then itself or during its 12 hour rescan they will be considered missing
I don’t really have answers to your questions because there really isn’t a solution for them at this point. You can achieve importing for your non-subbed shows by not moving them, but you will need to organize the subbed shows manually.
First off, thank you to your team for all your work with such a great piece of software. It takes a little bit to get used to after years of being accustomed to Sickbeard/SickRage but there are some very clear benefits and the GUI is beautiful.
Back to the issues
I’ve continued to research my issues and the biggest one that’s not related to Sonarr is resolved. The Subliminal plugin for NZBGet now has support for a scheduler and can monitor directories for days after the fact and can do so for any user defined directories : https://db.tt/Q4kxVt7A
As far as the sorting goes, worst case I can use Belvedere for it since I would just manually update it once each time I list a new series and wouldn’t have to think about it again so there’s really no overhead there.
So to simplify my question to the part Sonarr related. What’s the best way for me to change my method so that the calendar updates accordingly?
Can I force it to monitor the Completed directory (along with all of the subdirectories)?
Is there any way for me to force the rescan (of the Completed folder – but not subfolders – which only contains 5 subfolders normally) immediately after download rather that at 12 hour intervals? The thinking here is that if it’s only scanning Completed and I delay the folder moving for 5m then it would capture the download and update the calendar before the file was missed but I’d still have everything sorted correctly.
It will only scan sub folders if they match to a series, but then files in there are linked to that series
Completed episodes are scanned every minute by default. The sorted series folders are scanned every 12 hours. I don’t understand what you want to do here, if the file is later moved Sonarr will see it as missing, assuming it was sorted then suddenly not it would go missing.
I don’t really see Sonarr working with your setup as-is, you can use the API to ask Sonarr to scan a directory (downloaded episodes scan command) like nzbToMedia does, but then Sonarr is going to move the episodes.
This is all highly customized for your use case, not really something we want to invest time on when there are other features that would work for more users.
We will be looking at subtitle and post processing scripts within Sonarr at some point, but not something we’re looking at immediately.
In simplest terms, forgetting about NZBGet for just a moment since I can control that any way I want with any delays that I might need.
What configurations do I need to make in Sonarr ,
Ok, this is just weird
While I’m writing this I decided to check Sonarr and I see this:
What’s different however is that it was downloaded to F:\Downloads and never moved to the completed folder.
So in reality, I’ve accomplished my goal but I just don’t know why it suddenly happened.
This is how I have it configured now, if you can just help me understand the mechanism.
Sonarr to NZBGet
Completed DH
Enable : Yes
Remove : Yes
Failed DH
Redownload: Yes
Remove : Yes
Drone Factory : F\Completed
-Interval: 5
Season Series are all within F:\Downloads as per this
I think I’m starting to understand how this works and could work for me. This is the NZBGet configuration.
If I was to mass update my series to use F:\Completed which the Destination directory before post processing then that would make everything work just fine wouldn’t it? Is there any reason not to use th
And one last word on the Calendar function I think I see where the confusion is. Sickbeard/Sickrage use the Calendar as a historical record of downloads whereas the Sonarr one functions as a schedule overview and actual inventory.
I understand where the idea for that comes from but what would really be cool would be to add a “lock” feature to the calendar so that after a certain time it doesn’t update historical records. Or another idea would be to allow us to have a setting that we can toggle that would keep Green Downloaded on the calendar once the download was completed and successful.
I just changed House of Cards to use F:\Completed and it seems a bit silly to me that the calendar displays this way now:
Sorry, not trying to be a pest here I know what I’m trying to accomplish here isn’t how most people do it. Thanks for the taking the time to discuss it with me and if you could tell me where I could donate I’d really like to support your development.
Can subliminal look for subtitles after your files are in their final destination (i.e. series folder)? I have a similar setup, except I have a “kid shows” folder and a “adult shows” folder and I have Sonarr set to automatically place the shows in these folders depending on the content. I’ve read your posts multiple times and I think I am missing something (like subliminal can’t download subs after the rename or something).
Thats because thats the path that nzbget reports when downloads finish so Sonarr can import them.
You can’t have all Series pointing to the same folder.
Because they are missing (the files don’t exist in the series folder).
SB and SR have a calendar? Sonarr has a history for historical info (and I know SB does too).
Sonarr’s calendar shows past and future items (same as a regular calendar does), but it also shows the status of each episode its not storing anything on its own, its entirely based off the statuses of the episodes in its database, if it has a file its green, no file and already aired is red, etc. The fact that its red and missing could be ignored, but its still going to be considered missing and look for a release (especially during search).
Sonarr isn’t intended to be a fire and forget downloader, but thats kinda how its being used here. You can either let Sonarr deal with the moving or move the files and then rescan the series (or let it happen automatically every 12 hours), but even for the latter you’re pretty much on your own.
I appreciate the complexity of what I’m trying to achieve but believe it or not I’m actually just about there.
Briefly responding to your comments because god knows you’ve spent some time reading my stuff today …
F:\Completed is the root for each series folder, I didn’t mean to imply that the folder was being shared.
And I didn’t mean “calendar” with Sickbeard but a clear demonstration of what’s been downloaded : https://db.tt/IFp9lK6v
And I think I just had a flash of … whatever, but I think I figured out the way to get this to work simply.
I think that all I really need to do is download directly to Completed/Series and Completed/Subtitled by setting the series directory depending on where I want the final destination.
This way NZB downloads directly there and all post processing happens without the need for anything to move and the Sonarr calendar should report correctly.
Not sure I completely understand, but if you’re sorting files directly to the series folders with your own script you don’t need CDH or Drone Factory. You’ll just need a way to tell Sonarr they are there (or it will show them missing until they are found during its rescan).
But this is just a minor problem so maybe you can help me sort it out, or at least tell me where to find the information on where I can understand what happened.
The series 12 Monkeys: I have it set up to use F:\Completed\Subtitled\12 Monkeys as the series folder.
It got downloaded but instead it was sent to F:\Completed\Series\12 Monkeys
Where in the logs can I look to understand why Sonarr did this?
Here’s the relevant part of the log…I don’t see anything that would indicate why it would end up in the wrong folder. Do you see anything that might help?
15-3-1 00:35:57.2|Info|SeriesService|Adding Series [272644][12 Monkeys] Path: [F:\Completed\Subtitled\12 Monkeys]
15-3-1 00:35:57.2|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 00:35:57.5|Warn|MediaCoverMapper|File C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\MediaCover\113\poster.jpg not found
15-3-1 00:35:57.7|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [272644][12 Monkeys]
15-3-1 00:35:57.7|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [272644][12 Monkeys].
15-3-1 00:35:57.7|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 00:35:57.8|Info|MediaCoverService|Downloading Fanart for [272644][12 Monkeys] http://thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/272644-14.jpg
15-3-1 00:35:58.5|Info|MediaCoverService|Downloading Banner for [272644][12 Monkeys] http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/272644-g.jpg
15-3-1 00:35:58.6|Info|MediaCoverService|Downloading Poster for [272644][12 Monkeys] http://thetvdb.com/banners/posters/272644-5.jpg
15-3-1 00:37:37.3|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [12 Monkeys : S01E06]
15-3-1 00:37:37.7|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 7 reports
15-3-1 00:37:38.4|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [12.Monkeys.S01E06.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS] to the queue.
15-3-1 00:37:38.7|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. 12.Monkeys.S01E06.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
15-3-1 00:37:38.7|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-3-1 00:37:39.2|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [12 Monkeys : S01E07]
15-3-1 00:37:39.6|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 7 reports
15-3-1 00:37:40.4|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [12.Monkeys.S01E07.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS] to the queue.
15-3-1 00:37:40.9|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. 12.Monkeys.S01E07.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
15-3-1 00:37:40.9|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-3-1 00:45:13.0|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [12 Monkeys : S01E06]
15-3-1 00:45:13.5|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 7 reports
15-3-1 00:45:14.8|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [12.Monkeys.S01E06.The.Red.Forest.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS] to the queue.
15-3-1 00:45:15.0|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. 12.Monkeys.S01E06.The.Red.Forest.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
15-3-1 00:45:15.0|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-3-1 00:48:14.3|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-3-1 00:48:20.9|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 100 reports
15-3-1 00:48:21.5|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 100, Reports grabbed: 0
15-3-1 00:52:23.9|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [12 Monkeys : S01E07]
15-3-1 00:52:25.5|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 7 reports
15-3-1 00:52:26.8|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [12.Monkeys.S01E07.The.Keys.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS] to the queue.
15-3-1 00:52:27.3|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. 12.Monkeys.S01E07.The.Keys.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
15-3-1 00:52:27.3|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-3-1 00:54:55.5|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-3-1 00:57:29.8|Info|Database|Vacuuming database
15-3-1 00:57:30.1|Info|Database|Database Compressed
15-3-1 00:59:31.3|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [12 Monkeys : S01E06]
15-3-1 00:59:33.5|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 7 reports
15-3-1 00:59:35.2|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [12.Monkeys.S01E06.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS] to the queue.
15-3-1 00:59:35.5|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. 12.Monkeys.S01E06.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
15-3-1 00:59:35.5|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-3-1 01:03:33.6|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-3-1 01:03:38.4|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 100 reports
15-3-1 01:03:39.1|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 100, Reports grabbed: 0
15-3-1 01:09:42.6|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 1 indexers for [12 Monkeys : S01E07]
15-3-1 01:09:50.9|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 7 reports
15-3-1 01:09:57.1|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [12.Monkeys.S01E07.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS] to the queue.
15-3-1 01:09:57.4|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. 12.Monkeys.S01E07.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS
15-3-1 01:09:57.4|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
15-3-1 01:18:47.3|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-3-1 01:18:57.6|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 100 reports
15-3-1 01:18:58.2|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 100, Reports grabbed: 0
15-3-1 01:34:16.7|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-3-1 01:34:18.0|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 100 reports
15-3-1 01:34:18.5|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 100, Reports grabbed: 0
15-3-1 01:39:20.3|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-3-1 01:39:24.3|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 01:39:25.2|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [272644][12 Monkeys]
15-3-1 01:39:25.3|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [272644][12 Monkeys].
15-3-1 01:39:25.3|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 01:39:25.3|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 01:40:38.0|Info|RenameEpisodeFileService|Renaming all files in series: 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 01:40:38.0|Info|RenameEpisodeFileService|All episode files renamed for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 01:49:26.8|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
15-3-1 01:49:35.7|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 100 reports
15-3-1 01:49:36.3|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 100, Reports grabbed: 0
15-3-1 01:57:41.3|Info|Database|Vacuuming database
15-3-1 01:57:41.5|Info|Database|Database Compressed
15-3-1 02:03:24.6|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-3-1 02:03:27.6|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 02:03:28.1|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [272644][12 Monkeys]
15-3-1 02:03:28.1|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [272644][12 Monkeys].
15-3-1 02:03:28.1|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for 12 Monkeys
15-3-1 02:03:28.7|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for 12 Monkeys