Need help with DM, Sonarr & transmission

ah, directory i havent filled in because it says it will use transmissions default download folder

My download client runs behind a vpn and i would like to use a docker for that, also docker makes it easier to manage the CPU usage of sonarr as i have been told.

That’s why i prefer to use docker, but thanks for the tip

i believe that to be mostly nonsense.

it’s blank for me too, and as transmission downloads fine manually i would have thought sonarr wouldn’t have any issues either.

well, by my experience, running sonarr, and (in my case) Utorrent from docker, makes my Synology run at a 65% RAM, with all the other stuff I use (plex, surveillance, etc).
Running Sonarr straight up from the system and having Download Station as the client, it runs as 46% RAM.
Tested a few days ago when I found that guide.

i’ll take the advice of the more knowledgable people who all say Docker is the way to go.


I got part of the problem to work yesterday. Sonarr sends the download to transmission, transmission sends the download to /media/downloads/completed/tv after the download is complete sonarr picks up the download and sends it to /media/tv/"nameofthetvshow"/ and renames the file correctly too.

But now Sonarr is unable to rename the files i already had on the NAS even if i put them in the correct folder:

Like i said before if i send a download to transmission with sonarr it gets downloaded and copied to the correct folder, the old file is not deleted! even though download handeling is on
(i deleted the torrent from the download client so it isn’t a seeding problem)

any clue?

i tested the same thing with Radarr but radarr works well with the same settings, it deletes the torrent when its done seeding and its moved to the correct folder. It can even rename the folders. so its a sonarr problem

You need to tell Sonarr to rescan before it will see them and be able to rename them, or move them out of the series folder and use manual import.

Tested what exactly? Sonarr will only remove torrents that meet seeding goals (not just paused), IIRC transmission isn’t supported for that until v3.

i can also confirm that Radarr is working correctly for me. for some reason Sonarr just won’t play nice with Transmission in Synology Docker.

it worked fine when everything was on a windows host though.

Sonarr does not delete the downloaded episodes. Radarr does

Where can i configure the seeding goal?

The settings for each indexer.

Transmission only supports removal in v3.

surely the seeding goals are a setting within the torrent client itself, and not in sonarr?
i set my seeding level in tranmission itself, and they are removed as expected with no issues (be it sonarr or radarr).

just on this one part

there is a functional difference (not sure if there is meant to be one but its been like this since v2) between the manual file import on the series page, and the manual import on the wanted page

the import on the wanted page will pull in a file and rename it per your format. if one already exists for that series/episode it will overwrite it

the import on the series page is more like a series refresh than an actual import, it will scan the series folders for unknown files and make those the episode files - it will not rename the file, it will not delete or replace any of the actual existing files, it will just make that exact filename the episode file

so if you import from the series page youll end up with (potentially) double ups and when you go to rename them to your format youll have issues because the old files still exist

if possible dont ever use the series import option unless youre ok with manually cleaning up first - eg i use it when i convert via handbrake but as i manually delete the originals after theyre converted i have no issues with the rename

yeah, dont do that. put them outside the tv folder (create a “to be imported” folder somewhere you can put files like these) and use the wanted import - you should have no issues if you do that

Will do, thanks for the help man

Would you suggest upgrading to the latest sonar v3 or are there too many bugs for this?

I would like sonarr to delete the old files so that everything is automated.
But ofcourse if there are too many bugs that i still need to solve problems it still isn’t automated.

Do you have experience with the latest v3 of sonarr?

i’m confused by what i’m reading here.
before i migrateed from Windows to Synology, completed torrents were deleted by Sonarr quite perfectly in Transmission.

so i’m a little confused as to what is being said as “not supported”.

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