Naming without season number

Would be great it I did not need to put the season number in the episode name.
As I already use the season folders function.

eg /The Big Bang Theory/Season 9/01 The Matrimonial Momentum (1080p HD).m4v

However Sonarr will only let me rename it to
The Big Bang Theory/Season 9/09 01 The Matrimonial Momentum (1080p HD).m4v

Which also means my Converter to iTunes does not pick up info and I have to do a manual update for each conversion. Then after it has been converted and named as I want. Sonar then thinks the episode is missing and can’t find if I do a search of the disk.

I have hundreds of episodes which it doesn’t think I have, but are defiantly there. Mixture of naming convention for iTunes and SickBeard

The limitation here is Sonarr won’t let you rename a file to something it won’t be able to parse back.

Currently this is not possible to use, but I’ve added an issue to allow it in a future release:

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