n00b questions

Hi Guys -

I just started using drone and have imported my shows and keep getting an app.js: 24828 invalid arguments error. When I go into the log file there are quite a few saying DownloadEpisodesImportService | Drone Factory Folder is not configured. I have a location in the drone factory folder section and not sure what else I need to do? My whole window is filling up with those invalid argument errors. Is this why none of the files in my queue are going over to SAB? Also is there a way to remove ‘missing episodes’ from the queue?

Drone is expecting something to be a number, but it isn’t and is throwing that error, what it is, I’m not sure, what screen are you seeing it on?

Are those old log messages? Did you save your settings?

What queue are you referring to? The FAQ explains how drone finds episodes: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/FAQ#wiki-how-does-nzbdrone-find-episodes

You can unmonitor any episode you don’t want, which can be done on the series, season or individual episode; use the bookmark icon on the left side of series details, season pass or series editor.

Brilliant thanks heaps! Sorry about the silly questions but im new to how all of this works.

This is certainly a lot better than sickbeard!

@powerpenguin said:
Brilliant thanks heaps! Sorry about the silly questions but im new to how all of this works.

This is certainly a lot better than sickbeard!

Lol :slight_smile: you will soon find that there isn’t really any silly questions on this forum trust me i have been using NzbDrone for a while and i still find myself having a Brain-Fart and asking stupid questions and getting the simplest answers 9 times out of 10 i would have worked out by myself but for some reason i could not on that occasion but this forum is great for that type of stuff there is no Condescension by other members no one heaping crap on you for asking even the most basic questions

Glad your enjoying NzbDrone and welcome to the forums :slight_smile: