Mythbusters--large change on tvdb caused undesired searches for all old episodes

I don’t understand the over-reliance on thetvdb, especially given their history.

I do not want any episodes of mythbusters (past, present, nor future) renamed to match the new capricious and idiotic naming scheme thetvdb has imposed, but it seems the only choice is to map the proper names from scene releases to whatever thetvdb has decided.

In their defence they have a set of rules and they are living to them. They abide by the Official Series Numbering where they can. In this case it is located here…

It is not thetvdb fault that Discovery change the numbering on a regularl basis. It is also not up to thetvdb to make their numbering system fit with “Scene”.

Just cause you disagree with something doesn’t make it wrong, it just means you disagree.

When they change things and screw up peoples files, it is not simply disagreeing.

Just because Discovery changes their website doesn’t mean the seasons and episodes changed. I can go buy, right now, Mythbusters Season 18 episodes from Amazon, so obviously Season 18 exists, whatever theTVDB says.

The point is that Discovery CAN and DID change the numbering of the season. Obviously in the past it WAS called “Season 18” which is why you can buy old productions of that (Maybe the decision to rename the season was made after that DVD went to press?).

thetvdb abide by their own set of rules

Stating that…
“Official Websites - The official listing for a series in its country of origin. Unless the listing is a god awful mess or conflicts with an existing site rule such as splitting of multipart episodes in animated series or aired ordering actually differs, the official listing will be considered gospel. No matter what the scene [or anyone else] thinks.”

In this case the Official Website for Mythbusters is…

So it really doesn’t matter whether anyone disagrees with what THEY have done on THEIR website thetvdb has rules. It follows them, you just dont like them because they messed with your filenames…

Adapt or die.

We will agree to disagree about what Discovery’s website changes mean.

But there still needs to be a mapping somewhere… Usually XEM would take care of that, but not now? The scene releases are still labeled s18, etc. so Sonarr is not finding any new episodes to download?

thexem will still take care of the downloading/naming of NEW episodes.

Shows that the latest scene release is S15e014 (or s16e08 if you download the german release) which is already mapped to s2015e14.

The reason that sonarr isnt finding anymore is beacuse no more have been released since then.

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