My experience with NZBDrone. (NZB not finding files.)

Let me say that NZBDrone has been great and I have fixed the issue but wanted to report it none the less.

My issue was that several shows would show as wanted but would never be found. Doing a manual search seemed to just stop instantly but gave no error. I renamed the C:\ProgramData\ZBDrone
zbdrone.db and then setup a basic profile with my indexer and one show. A manual search then returned 4 possible entries. Upon returning my prior database I removed the show entry and re-entered it. This corrected the problem. I’ve saved the logs in case this can narrow down a fix. Or this may be a change in the system that just isn’t playing nice with some shows and rules need to be made. That being said I at least would’ve liked a friendly an error message on failed searches.

Below I hope to post my logs followed by an error that I have failed to interpret.

Component Message Time
DownloadService Report sent to download client. Last.Week.Tonight.With.John.Oliver.S01E06.REAL.HDTV.x264-BATV 7:37 PM
Sabnzbd Adding report [Last.Week.Tonight.With.John.Oliver.S01E06.REAL.HDTV.x264-BATV] to the queue. 7:37 PM
DownloadDecisionMaker Processing 4 reports 7:37 PM
FetchFeedService Finished searching for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06]. Found 4 7:37 PM
FetchFeedService Finished searching Wombles for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06]. Found 0 7:37 PM
NzbSearchService Searching 2 indexers for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06] 7:37 PM
DownloadDecisionMaker Processing 4 reports 7:37 PM
FetchFeedService Finished searching for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06]. Found 4 7:37 PM
FetchFeedService Finished searching Wombles for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06]. Found 0 7:37 PM
NzbSearchService Searching 2 indexers for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06] 7:37 PM
DiskScanService Completed scanning disk for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 7:37 PM
DiskScanService Scanning disk for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 7:37 PM
RefreshEpisodeService Finished episode refresh for series: [278518][Last Week Tonight with John Oliver]. 7:37 PM
RefreshEpisodeService Starting episode info refresh for: [278518][Last Week Tonight with John Oliver] 7:37 PM
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 7:37 PM
SeriesService Adding Series [278518][Last Week Tonight with John Oliver] Path: [D:\\Home\\Videos\\Television\\Last Week Tonight with John Oliver] 7:37 PM
DownloadDecisionMaker No reports found 7:36 PM
FetchFeedService Finished searching for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : 6/8/2014 12:00:00 AM. Found 0 7:36 PM
FetchFeedService Finished searching Wombles for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : 6/8/2014 12:00:00 AM. Found 0 7:36 PM
NzbSearchService Searching 2 indexers for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : 6/8/2014 12:00:00 AM 7:36 PM
Component Message
Owin SignalR exception thrown by Task: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.IO.IOException ---> System.Net.HttpListenerException: The handle is invalid at System.Net.HttpResponseStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.RequestProcessing.ExceptionFilterStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.RequestProcessing.ExceptionFilterStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin.ServerResponse.Write(ArraySegment`1 data) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin\\ServerResponse.cs:line 38 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.<.ctor>b__0(ArraySegment`1 data, Object state) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 28 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.ChunkedWriter.Flush(Byte[] byteBuffer, Boolean flushEncoder) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 187 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.ChunkedWriter.Flush(Boolean flushEncoder) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 168 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.Flush() in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 89 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Transports.LongPollingTransport.PerformSend(Object state) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Transports\\LongPollingTransport.cs:line 323 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Transports.LongPollingTransport.b__0(Object state) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Transports\\LongPollingTransport.cs:line 158 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.TaskQueue.b__1(Func`2 next, Object nextState) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\TaskQueue.cs:line 88 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.FromMethod[T1,T2](Func`3 func, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\TaskAsyncHelper.cs:line 768 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.IO.IOException ---> System.Net.HttpListenerException: The handle is invalid at System.Net.HttpResponseStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.RequestProcessing.ExceptionFilterStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.RequestProcessing.ExceptionFilterStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin.ServerResponse.Write(ArraySegment`1 data) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin\\ServerResponse.cs:line 38 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.<.ctor>b__0(ArraySegment`1 data, Object state) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 28 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.ChunkedWriter.Flush(Byte[] byteBuffer, Boolean flushEncoder) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 187 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.ChunkedWriter.Flush(Boolean flushEncoder) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 168 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.BufferTextWriter.Flush() in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\BufferTextWriter.cs:line 89 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Transports.LongPollingTransport.PerformSend(Object state) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Transports\\LongPollingTransport.cs:line 323 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Transports.LongPollingTransport.b__0(Object state) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Transports\\LongPollingTransport.cs:line 158 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure.TaskQueue.b__1(Func`2 next, Object nextState) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\Infrastructure\\TaskQueue.cs:line 88 at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.TaskAsyncHelper.FromMethod[T1,T2](Func`3 func, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core\\TaskAsyncHelper.cs:line 768<---

Your logs show multiple searches for the same thing and results are returned properly, is this after removing and re-adding? That particular show has had a number of issues because it was released with air dates originally, then back to standard (S01E01) and then again back to air date and finally they seem to have settled on standard numbering.

Originally we set the series to be a daily series (using air dates when searching) and its possible that it did not revert back to a non-daily after it was removed.

Currently if no results are found it doesn’t display any message in the UI (for a manual search), I’ll look at adding a message there stating no results were found (typically a search that returns 0 results returns quickly because there is nothing to process).

What other series are you having issues with?

Sorry I didn’t clarify, the failing logs are at the bottom:

Finished searching for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : 6/8/2014 12:00:00 AM. Found 0

And the working logs:

Finished searching for [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : S01E06]. Found 4

It does seem to be a date vs episode issue and all the other shows I had are suffering the same. re-adding them has correct them and now that I realize that it should only effect shows like Daily Show or other “Dated” shows it should be easy to track down.


My issue has returned and I can’t seem to correct it this time.

Log I saw when episodes weren’t found.

Finished searching nMatrix for [The Colbert Report : 6/5/2014 12:00:00 AM. Found 0 8:51 PM

Log after removing and readding show.

Finished searching nMatrix for [The Colbert Report : 6/17/2014 12:00:00 AM. Found 0 8:54 PM

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

nMatrix didn’t return any results, either they don’t have those episodes or their API failed to return the results for another reason. You may be able use the URL logged when debug logging is enabled to see why there were no results.

I have verified that nMatrix had the episode. Just like with the prior error NZBDrone will never find shows when it searches by date rather than S#E#.

It most definitely works with other indexers. I don’t use nmatrix, but I have contacted other indexers when I had problems with their API not returning results.

You can show them the URL drone hit by checking the debug logs and ask them to investigate why it behaves differently than other newznab indexers.