First time post here and I just found NzbDrone today. I am a big sickbeard user but have one feature request sickbeard ignores, so
I will ask the question here.
Do you guys support multiple folder per TV Series ?
I am running out of space on some drives and instead of manually managing it would be nice for the TV Series
manager to have some logic to split a TV series between drives/folders.
Biggest reason I hate manually moving it is you loose your watched status in XBMC .
Seeing that my perl skills sucks, your .Net project sounds cooler for me to try and do it myself if it isn’t available.
Just use the addon for TrakT , This will keep your watched status synced so if ever you need to move things or even do a complete new install it will re-sync your watched status.
I used Drive Bender in the past and its a great tool as well, but DrivePool had better support at the time (though I have licenses to both). You could also look at Symlinks, but TBH these tools are worth the money and Drive Bender often goes on sale.
Drive pool also supports Win7 and 8. I use it also with my XBMC. Drivebender is a good tool also but its alot less stable compared to Drivepool. If you look on both forums, you will noticed how much more people reporting lost of pool/crashing and other issues on Drivebender forum compared to DP. There is also a new pooling tool coming out (supposedly june 6) called poolHD. it looks nice and light weight but until i can actually try it in everyday use i will stick with DP. Plus the combination of DP and Stablebit Scanner is really efficient
There is also FlexRaid - I’ve heard people using it in tandem with DrivePool (as RAID, instead of using duplication), it also has pooling as a separate package, or as a bundle.