Multiple CMD window popups (Windows issue)

Above is an image of what my desktop looks like after leaving for 2 hours. It seems like these command prompts keep appearing and then erroring saying that my port is in use. I have uninstalled the nzbdrone service multiple times “successfully”.

Any idea what could cause this?

The service doesn’t run the console, only running NzbDrone.Console.exe directly would open the console window like that. Is someone trying to open the WebUI and instead re-opening the app or is something else starting it up?

Also what version are you seeing this with?

This is the most recent version available from the website. I live alone and nobody has remote access to my computer. It tends to just pop up when I’m using the computer every 30 minutes or so.

The app actually works good despite this incessant popup

What version number?
How are you running NzbDrone? service, NzbDrone.exe, NzbDrone.Console.exe?

The only time NzbDrone will restart is when an update is released, but there hasn’t been a new one in a couple days. Do you have a scheduled task trying to start drone?

NzbDrone Ver.
I just used NzbDrone.exe to run it the first time and it has just stayed on since I did that.

I don’t know of any scheduled tasks as none were ever set up

Nice e36 m3 :slight_smile:

Here is the command’s full content after it tries to apparently launch the console

@mspec thanks! it is a 450whp turbo monster :slight_smile: (older low-boost video:

Can you stop NzbDrone, then check task manager for any running nzbdrone.exe or nzbdrone.console.exe - stop them all and start up drone again.

Also where is NzbDrone running from? It looks like drone is trying to update and failing for some reason and then starting up a second copy. is not the latest version available right now.

It looks like I had about 10 tasks running. I closed them all out… reinstalled the service. I’ll update if I get another console popup.

Are you running the service and then running NzbDrone.exe or NzbDrone.Console.exe to open the UI?

Also where is NzbDrone running from? If its in a write protected location (ie Program Files) updates will fail and it could cause issues.

It is running from C:\

I was formerly just opening NzbDrone.exe

However, I stopped every nzbdrone task and then installed the service and now it seems to be running great with the service. No popups yet and it has been about an hour which is an improvement

Great, C:\ should be fine, if there are issues updating it would be permissions related and would be in the logs, I believed is the latest public release.