What do the different options for multi episode rename do? I have some shows that are multi episodes per file and nzbdrone renames them to the first episode and then leaves the 2nd one a missing… This is using the default setting, should I be using a different one?
It just changes the style of the name, same as single episode style does. Is NzbDrone properly detecting the multiple episode files as two episodes? If not renaming would cause that, but if it is, then there is a problem with the renaming.
Would it be possible to show a small description or example of what each of the options look like?
Extend 01x01-02
Duplicate 01x01-01x02
Repeat ???
Scene ???
Yeah, we can, added this card to do so: https://trello.com/c/eafX07bc/206-examples-for-naming-formats
Repeat: 01x01x02
Scene: 01x01x02
I changed mine to scene and renamed the files and nzbdrone then marked episode 2 as downloaded.