I couldn’t search “moving files” because everything has to do with automation, which is working fine. I have a new hard drive and want to relocate a couple series over to it. How do I keep my quality profiles? I want to move a series I have bluray 720p but am afraid it will rescan as hdtv720p. I don’t have quality profiles in naming conventions so I’m stuck there.
It wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t have mixed qualities. So I may have a show that has a mixed bag of webdl720p, hdtv, and webdl1080p due to availability of file.
So what’s the best practice?
PS while I’m here I’ll like to also ask how can you add a show that’s not on tvdb but is on tvrage, imdb etc? I want Mickey Mouse (2013) but it’s incorporated into Disney Animated Shorts on tvdb so sonarr can’t find it.
I don’t know if it rescans files if you just edit their location from within Sonarr.
You could however change your naming conventions, have Sonarr rename them, and then change it back after you edit the location and have them rename them back.
Looks like this is how the show would be handled.
Why can’t Sonarr import episode files for series X? / Why can’t Sonarr find releases for series X?
Sonarr relies on being able to match titles, often the scene posts episodes using different titles, eg CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as just CSI so Sonarr can’t match the names without some help. Sonarr maintains a list of problematic series which lets us solve this issue. To request a new mapping:
Make sure it hasn’t already been requested. Requested Mappings
Make a new request here: Scene Mapping Request Form
Typically these are added within 1-2 days
Ok I figured out what I was doing wrong, I’d move a large portion of my library, the library would refresh, then I’d change the locations. Basically it thought all the episodes were gone. If you change the location without a refresh it will keep the profiles.
That being said it’d be cool if Sonarr could move it one day.