Mobile version of app not loading


I switched from SB a few weeks ago and all is running fine, all except the mobile version. I added a book mark to to my IP with the correct port forwarding in place and sometimes it will load on my iPhone and sometimes I just get the bouncing balls.

I even changed the port Sonarr uses to the one I used for SB incase there was some ISP port restrictions or something and I get the same results, inconsistent loading.

Mono Version
3.12.0 ((detached/a813491 Tue Dec 16 12:19:26 EST 2014)

On a Mac Mini.

Any suggestions?

Does an error message pop up after 30 seconds?

Does it load if you load it up on local wifi?

Just started to get this, never got those messages before. Will also just get the bouncing balls when at home and use my internal IP.

Never seen those errors before, are you browsing in private/incognito mode?

Just to add a few things.

When adding the Bookmark to the IOS home screen it sort of makes an app that does not show any of the standard navigation controls (refresh, forward and back)

I have cleared the cache as well and still get the same results, sometimes loads sometimes not

When just using the bookmark I get the Nav controls and when I do a refresh I get the spinning data icon in the title bar and it looks like its downloading something for awhile but then nothing.