mkvtomp4 and Download Handling Problem?

I’ve been wondering for a while now, if this could be a problem with my setup.
Some files just don’t seem to get picked up by sonaar after they are downloaded.

Sonarr is looking at the download history in sabnzd to determine which file belongs to which download.
The name (extension) is changed by mkvtomp4 and so Sonarr does not seem to be able to match it:

Am I correct? Or is something else going on?

The issue is the filename. Sonarr can’t process it to determine which series and episode it is, it either needs to be named properly (with the series title and SxxEyy) in the filename or it needs to be in a properly named folder (usually named after the nzb).

looks to me like he needs to enable job folders in sab.

And include the nzoid in the json call to sonarr.

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Oh, I thought the Completed Download Handling in sonarr pulls it’s information from the sab history (screenshot 1 above).

I had sab to name the file after this pattern (%sn/Season %s/%sn - S%0sE%0e.%ext) previously. It did not work for all the files, that’s why I changed. Now I have updated sonaar to have these settings and give it another run.



Keeping my fingers crossed.

There are several things wrong:

  • Your file is directly in the /complete directory. So there is no JOB folder. Normally that only happens if the Folder/Path in the Category has an asterisk at the end.
  • Sab Sorting should always be disabled. It’s a recipe for disaster. I believe you just turned it on, don’t.
  • The SABPostProcess script calls Sonarr and tells it to scan the /complete folder, that’s wrong. If it calls Sonarr is should point to the individual job folder and include the nzoid in the json call. Otherwise CDH won’t be notified. Alternatively, if the job folder remains the same, you can just finish the pp-script and let CDH pick it up.

No idea if this would help you at all, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out with your current setup, but if it turns out your script is causing some of the issue, NZBToMedia is working with Sonarr quite nicely: and I’m just remuxing to mp4 and converting audio to AC3 (if it happens to not be AC3).

+1 on the job folders too. This was one area I struggled with when I switched to Sonarr from Sickbeard last year, the job folders and completed download handling fixed most of my issues.

This is a screenshot of my categories for reference:

Good luck.

Thank You!

So I disabled TV Name Sorting in Sab and added a Job-folder. So fare I’ve had no problems!

Haven’t changed the pp-script though.

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