Missing show which isn't aired yet


Sonarr reports Hawaii Five-0 as missing but it it’s not even aired yet, based on thetvdb its airing at 9 pm at cbs but since cbs is a US channel this is most likely - 6/-9 hours from my time zone (gmt +1) because of this the whole day is wrong since it’s airing around 3/4/5/6 am this night here, so it’s searching for nothing for 30/33 hours till it’s possible to find something

I understand it’s not possible to get the correct time from the tvdb at the moment(have read that somewhere on the forum here) but now the whole day is wrong and has an offset of 1 day. As far as I know sickbeard also uses thetvdb and I never had this problem there, so i’m wondering how they fixed it. I’m using at master branch. I don’t expect to get the time exactly right at the moment but it would be nice if atleast the correct date is available.

Currently all times are listed at airing at 12am local time (whatever timezone you are in, its the same for me). So after it hits 1am on January 2nd it will show as missing (12am start + 1 hour show). The date is still correct, but adjusted for the air time of the series, or timezone adjusted, so it shows as the date it airs in the original timezone.

Sonarr doesn’t search for shows, it uses the RSS feeds provided by each indexer, as described here: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/FAQ#how-does-nzbdrone-find-episodes so its not wasting time searching for something, it is just showing the wrong time.

Oke, understood. Thank you for your reply. Hopefully this will be adjusted like it was berfore moving to thetvdb, but for now I think I should just life with this:)

Yes, it absolutely will be in a future update, as-is it sucks.

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