Missing Monitored Episodes - RSS Sync Question

I am a new convert from SickBeard as of a couple of days ago. I got everything setup and Sonarr was happily grabbing episodes for me until today when I noticed a problem. Two shows (will remain nameless) were set to monitored and their episodes aired last night. When I went into Sonarr it said those were missing from disk yet they were monitored. When I clicked manual search there were 10-15 releases that it could have grabbed, but didn’t. When I decided to give the automatically grab, everything worked flawless.

My question is this… What happened? Why didn’t it auto grab those releases?

I did find something interesting in the wiki:

It says, “Sonarr doesn’t actively search for any episodes on its own, it uses the indexer’s latest releases to find recently posted episodes. Typically the indexer returns the last 100 releases”

One thing I noticed was on all of my indexers I had enabled search and not rss sync. I didn’t really intend on enabling RSS because I figured it worked like sickbeard where it just searched for the episodes every 15 min and I didn’t need to deal with RSS. I just now enabled RSS Sync so it will be a couple of days before I realize if that fixed it, but is that something I should have done from the beginning? The setup guides do not include those two selections from the indexer setup so I just didn’t enable RSS sync from the beginning.

If this is the reason my shows were being grabbed, perhaps the wiki can be updated to prevent this in the future.

Sonarr uses RSS to download. The search is so you can manually select a file and/or have sonarr automatically grab one that’s missed.

In your case, the files weren’t downloaded because 1) No RSS 2) They are older than the results any RSS would have. What you are familiar with is a backlog search that sickbeard uses. Sonarr doesn’t have that. Older, missing episodes have to be searched for.


Ok so enabling the RSS Sync should fix my issue. I never really used the backlog search in sickbeard. Thanks!