Missing episodes

Hi all I’ve just registered, but I’ve been a long time user. The problem I have is that I have moved my anime shows to another hard drive. I have update the path on sonarr, but it doesnt pick up all the episodes of any of the shows. The vast majority of the episodes were downloaded by sonarr so I know the naming is right. Any ideas? Its not a biggy, but its something that just annoys me :smiley:


Debug logs would be the first thing to look at, it will show Sonarr processing the files and the why it didn’t link the file to an episode.

this is one of the episodes but i cant see why it wont show:

15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle.mp4’
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Trace|Parser|^(?.+?)?(?:(?:_\W(?(?<!\d+)[1-9])(?[1-9][0-9]|[0][1-9])(?![a-z]|\d+))+
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. fairytail - S01E42
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle.mp4
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: SDTV v1
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed:
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Size: 345717553
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘skipfreespacecheckwhenimporting’ defaultValue:'False’
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|FreeSpaceSpecification|Skipping free space check for existing episode
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|NotSampleSpecification|Existing file, skipping sample check
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|NotUnpackingSpecification|H:\TV\Fairy Tail\Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle.mp4 is in series folder, unpacking check
15-7-7 16:59:31.5|Debug|UpgradeSpecification|This file isn’t an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping H:\TV\Fairy Tail\Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle.mp4

guess i cant paste it here

Hastebin would be your best bet to get it all without filling the forum up.

this is an example of the log


Its the naming convention, Sonarr can’t tell whether 142 is absolute episode number 142 or S01E42, but it defaults to S01E42 because it was there first. This is part of a bigger issue with parsing that doesn’t have an immediate fix, but something we are working towards. Having the files named in a way Sonarr can tell with better certainty what it is would be the work around you could use to correct it now:

Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle [ReleaseGroup].mp4
[ReleaseGroup] Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle.mp4

Should both work.

Thxs for your help. Thats how I name them right now

Fairy Tail - 142 - Dissonance of Battle

does the [releasegroup] tag make a difference?

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